Coming up on the Everything Lucy Blog is very important news on the whys and wherefores of the crisis at the Lucy-Desi Center and Museum. As recently reported, all the board members of the center resigned including Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr. And the root of the resignations and the problems at the center all come down to the Executive Director and the Assistant Director. More coming soon on this crisis.
December 31, 2007
Happy New Year's From Everything Lucy
Have a Very Happy and Healthy New Year's Eve!

Coming up on the Everything Lucy Blog is very important news on the whys and wherefores of the crisis at the Lucy-Desi Center and Museum. As recently reported, all the board members of the center resigned including Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr. And the root of the resignations and the problems at the center all come down to the Executive Director and the Assistant Director. More coming soon on this crisis.
Coming up on the Everything Lucy Blog is very important news on the whys and wherefores of the crisis at the Lucy-Desi Center and Museum. As recently reported, all the board members of the center resigned including Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr. And the root of the resignations and the problems at the center all come down to the Executive Director and the Assistant Director. More coming soon on this crisis.
December 30, 2007
Lucille Ball Film Preserved in Library of Congress
The Library of Congress has selected 25 motion pictures into their National Film Registry to preserve the nation's movie heritage.
Currently there are 475 films in the registry. Dance, Girl, Dance (1940)starring Lucille Ball as a strip-tease artist along with Maureen O'Hara.
Other films selected include Back to the Future (1985), Dances With Wolves (1990), and Wuthering Heights (1939). Read the full list at the Library of Congress web site.
Currently there are 475 films in the registry. Dance, Girl, Dance (1940)starring Lucille Ball as a strip-tease artist along with Maureen O'Hara.
Other films selected include Back to the Future (1985), Dances With Wolves (1990), and Wuthering Heights (1939). Read the full list at the Library of Congress web site.
December 11, 2007
Lucille Ball Associates to be on Radio
Stu Shostak's guests for his weekly live call-in talk show on Shokus Internet Radio this Wednesday, December 12th at 7pm EST (9pm PST) will be Lucille Ball's closest confidants, Wanda Clark, her personal assistant for 27 years, and Frank Gorey, originally her driver and later her "major domo" for close to 40 years. Both will share behind-the-scenes stories and memories of what it was like to know and work for the famous redhead who was loved by millions for her antics on television and in the movies in a career that spanned over 50 years. Listeners are invited to participate by calling toll-free at (888) 746-5875.
"Stu's Show" airs live each Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. PST on Shokus Internet Radio with rebroadcasts at the same time daily. Access to the station's feed is free, with no registration required, and is available by choosing one of the audio player links on the Shokus Internet Radio web site or via Itunes by selecting Radio/Eclectic and then locating the station's name alphabetically in the list.
Shokus Internet Radio is a service of Shokus Video, and is "TV on the radio for baby boomers", with live call-in talk shows featuring TV celebrities, interactive telephone game shows, classic stand-up comedy from the great comedians, and big band, easy listening music during the morning and afternoon drive times.
"Stu's Show" airs live each Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. PST on Shokus Internet Radio with rebroadcasts at the same time daily. Access to the station's feed is free, with no registration required, and is available by choosing one of the audio player links on the Shokus Internet Radio web site or via Itunes by selecting Radio/Eclectic and then locating the station's name alphabetically in the list.
Shokus Internet Radio is a service of Shokus Video, and is "TV on the radio for baby boomers", with live call-in talk shows featuring TV celebrities, interactive telephone game shows, classic stand-up comedy from the great comedians, and big band, easy listening music during the morning and afternoon drive times.
December 10, 2007
The Humor Project and TV Land Sponsor Legacy of Laughter with Lucie Arnaz
The very talented Lucie Arnaz will be joining The Humor Project during their June 20-22, 2008 international conference on "The Positive Power of Humor and Creativity" at Silver Bay Conference Center on majestic Lake George in upper New York State. Sponsored by TV Land, Lucie will be moderating a panel entitled "LOL: Legacy of Laughter" that will feature a number of our world-class conference speakers. In addition, Lucie will be doing an up-close-and-personal concurrent workshop and will be accepting the Laughtime Achievement Award on behalf of her parents, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. You may have noticed last week that Lucy and Desi were voted by TV Land viewers to be #1 among the 100 Greatest TV Icons in history.
Information about the 52nd international conference will be available later this month. This learning-filled, fun-fueled program will also be described in their 2008 Sourcebook, which will be available soon and be mailed in early January. The earlier you register for the conference the lower the prices. For more information or to preorder your tickets, they can be reached at 518-587-8770 to order conference registrations as holiday gifts.
Information about the 52nd international conference will be available later this month. This learning-filled, fun-fueled program will also be described in their 2008 Sourcebook, which will be available soon and be mailed in early January. The earlier you register for the conference the lower the prices. For more information or to preorder your tickets, they can be reached at 518-587-8770 to order conference registrations as holiday gifts.
Lucie, Desi Jr. Depart With Clark, Rapaport; Spots Filled With Locals
Another story on the departure of Lucie and Desi Arnaz from the Board of the Lucy-Desi Center from The Post-Journal in Jamestown, New York.
Four members of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center board of directors, including Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz Jr., have left the board and have been replaced with local residents, organization officials confirmed Tuesday.
Other departures include Wanda Clark, Lucille Ball’s longtime personal secretary, and Mary Rapaport, a Buffalo area resident and an active supporter of the Lucy-Desi community.
Lucy-Desi Center Adds New Board Members
At a meeting of the board of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center earlier this month new directors were elected. Added to the Center’s board were Chautauqua County Director of Planning & Economic Development and Industrial Development Agency CEO William Daly, Jamestown attorney C. Edward Fagan, Ludwig Auction & Realty Co. owner Charles L. Ludwig, and Chautauqua Home Rehabilitation and Improvement Corporation Deputy Director Carolyn Seymour. These new members fill vacancies left by Lucie Arnaz, Desi Arnaz, Jr., Wanda Clark and Mary Rapaport.
In announcing the additions to the board, Executive Director Ric Wyman said, “We have made significant strides since the Center was established nearly six years ago. With two buildings on the corner of Third and Main welcoming thousands of visitors to downtown Jamestown each year and plans to open a significantly expanded Lucy-Desi Museum in 2008, it’s been a time of great growth.
“None of this could have happened without the generosity of Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr., who not only served as our founding president and vice-president but who also provided countless valuable objects from their parents, created the Center’s Legacy of Laughter seminar series, and offered support in many other ways.”
Wyman noted that the Center is experiencing its strongest year to date, with new records set for numbers of admissions, on-line traffic, and Lucy-Desi Center Acquisitions Society memberships. The two Center-sponsored annual festivals this year attracted visitors from 37 states, plus Australia, Canada, Croatia, England, Germany, and Puerto Rico. In addition, the Lucy-Desi Center has developed Lucille Ball/Desi Arnaz/“I Love Lucy”- related school curriculum that meet New York State Education Department standards, offered workshops in Laughter Yoga, and partnered with local Girl Scouts, senior facilities, and the Hispanic community. Last summer, the weekly magazine American Profile shared a major story with its three million readers entitled “Jamestown Loves Lucy.”
In announcing the additions to the board, Executive Director Ric Wyman said, “We have made significant strides since the Center was established nearly six years ago. With two buildings on the corner of Third and Main welcoming thousands of visitors to downtown Jamestown each year and plans to open a significantly expanded Lucy-Desi Museum in 2008, it’s been a time of great growth.
“None of this could have happened without the generosity of Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr., who not only served as our founding president and vice-president but who also provided countless valuable objects from their parents, created the Center’s Legacy of Laughter seminar series, and offered support in many other ways.”
Wyman noted that the Center is experiencing its strongest year to date, with new records set for numbers of admissions, on-line traffic, and Lucy-Desi Center Acquisitions Society memberships. The two Center-sponsored annual festivals this year attracted visitors from 37 states, plus Australia, Canada, Croatia, England, Germany, and Puerto Rico. In addition, the Lucy-Desi Center has developed Lucille Ball/Desi Arnaz/“I Love Lucy”- related school curriculum that meet New York State Education Department standards, offered workshops in Laughter Yoga, and partnered with local Girl Scouts, senior facilities, and the Hispanic community. Last summer, the weekly magazine American Profile shared a major story with its three million readers entitled “Jamestown Loves Lucy.”
December 03, 2007
New Everything Lucy Site Design
You'll notice not only on the Everything Lucy Blog, but also the main "Everything Lucy" website that it has a new look and feel!
This is the promised change almost two-years in the making! It will also more then likely be the very last redesign the site goes through.
For those not aware, and this blog is owned and run by only one individual and this includes several blogs! This adventure began as a much needed rehaul of the existing site along with the several subwebs that it contained. It had become very dated, not only in look but also in feel and to remain a viable website, it had to be redesigned. As I am a web designer by profession as well as an artist, I was the one to take on the responsibility instead of farming it out. Incidently, I was also the one who programmed the site as well. Now, I don't pretend to be a programmer nor am I, and that can be seen by those who view "under the hood" of the web site and this is one of the main reasons that it took 2 years to get done. I do not have the money to farm the coding of the site out so I had to take the code that I orginially had and "retrofit" it to the new design. This took alot of investing time and trial and error to get it to fit into the new design. So, I don't profess to be a programmer and this is why it has taken so long to get up and running AND this is the main reason that I will not try to do this again!
All the content that existed before in the old site is still retained, although I have added some new content to various sections, it should still be very familiar to those who have frequented the site before. The main "" site has always existed as a placeholder for three additional subwebs that had always been separate in content and therefore could have always been their own site all by themselves. Therefore, I created 4 distinct and different designs only with a small common design element between them all and I created separate URLs for each of the sites so it will be easier to remember and will stand on it's own. The main site ( which is a "kick-off" to the 3 subwebs which include "Everything Lucy", "Online Pet Memorials" and "Ancestry".
Everything Lucy ( - This subweb is a site that is all about Lucille Ball as is this blog. This was and hopefully still is one of the best resources and knowledge-base on one of my favorite comedians. It is exclusively devoted to Lucille Ball and her career and life. One of the first and formost web sites that featured Lucille Ball on the internet and now it has it's own exclusive Everything Lucy Blog which is updated very frequently with all the news on the internet about our favorite red-head.
Online Pet Memorials ( - This subweb is dedicated to my departed pet, Q-Bert, who passed away 8 1/2 years ago now. It is a free pet memorial site that anyone in the world can post a memorial to their departed pet, whether it be dog, cat or even frog! The Photo Album feature has been updated and should be a joy for all those present and future. Hopefully this site will be a blessing for everyone as a resource to help them through their grief and as a living testament and memorial to the love of their departed pet.
Ritchey and Diehl Ancestry and Geneology ( - This subweb is devoted to my ancestry which I've been collecting data on for a number of years and have created a CD-rom of all the published material that has previously existed in different publications. Now I have included it all in one place and available on one CD-rom for all those interested in and related to the Ritchey and Diehl families that I originate from.
I'll be sending out an email blast to those who have requested to be on the various mailing lists for the interested sections of the web to inform them of the new design shortly.
For those who are regular readers to the Everything Lucy Blog, you'll notice that many of the images "disappeared". This is because the location of those original images have changed and I am still trying to find a way to update those older archived Blog entries to update this image location. If anyone knows how, please let me know!
Anyway, while the new design is still fresh there may be quirks that I have not caught. So if you run into anything, please let me know from the contact us page on the main site.
Enjoy and let me know what you think! They'll be more changes on the way!
This is the promised change almost two-years in the making! It will also more then likely be the very last redesign the site goes through.
For those not aware, and this blog is owned and run by only one individual and this includes several blogs! This adventure began as a much needed rehaul of the existing site along with the several subwebs that it contained. It had become very dated, not only in look but also in feel and to remain a viable website, it had to be redesigned. As I am a web designer by profession as well as an artist, I was the one to take on the responsibility instead of farming it out. Incidently, I was also the one who programmed the site as well. Now, I don't pretend to be a programmer nor am I, and that can be seen by those who view "under the hood" of the web site and this is one of the main reasons that it took 2 years to get done. I do not have the money to farm the coding of the site out so I had to take the code that I orginially had and "retrofit" it to the new design. This took alot of investing time and trial and error to get it to fit into the new design. So, I don't profess to be a programmer and this is why it has taken so long to get up and running AND this is the main reason that I will not try to do this again!
All the content that existed before in the old site is still retained, although I have added some new content to various sections, it should still be very familiar to those who have frequented the site before. The main "" site has always existed as a placeholder for three additional subwebs that had always been separate in content and therefore could have always been their own site all by themselves. Therefore, I created 4 distinct and different designs only with a small common design element between them all and I created separate URLs for each of the sites so it will be easier to remember and will stand on it's own. The main site ( which is a "kick-off" to the 3 subwebs which include "Everything Lucy", "Online Pet Memorials" and "Ancestry".
Everything Lucy ( - This subweb is a site that is all about Lucille Ball as is this blog. This was and hopefully still is one of the best resources and knowledge-base on one of my favorite comedians. It is exclusively devoted to Lucille Ball and her career and life. One of the first and formost web sites that featured Lucille Ball on the internet and now it has it's own exclusive Everything Lucy Blog which is updated very frequently with all the news on the internet about our favorite red-head.
Online Pet Memorials ( - This subweb is dedicated to my departed pet, Q-Bert, who passed away 8 1/2 years ago now. It is a free pet memorial site that anyone in the world can post a memorial to their departed pet, whether it be dog, cat or even frog! The Photo Album feature has been updated and should be a joy for all those present and future. Hopefully this site will be a blessing for everyone as a resource to help them through their grief and as a living testament and memorial to the love of their departed pet.
Ritchey and Diehl Ancestry and Geneology ( - This subweb is devoted to my ancestry which I've been collecting data on for a number of years and have created a CD-rom of all the published material that has previously existed in different publications. Now I have included it all in one place and available on one CD-rom for all those interested in and related to the Ritchey and Diehl families that I originate from.
I'll be sending out an email blast to those who have requested to be on the various mailing lists for the interested sections of the web to inform them of the new design shortly.
For those who are regular readers to the Everything Lucy Blog, you'll notice that many of the images "disappeared". This is because the location of those original images have changed and I am still trying to find a way to update those older archived Blog entries to update this image location. If anyone knows how, please let me know!
Anyway, while the new design is still fresh there may be quirks that I have not caught. So if you run into anything, please let me know from the contact us page on the main site.
Enjoy and let me know what you think! They'll be more changes on the way!
November 28, 2007
"I Love Lucy" Series Bought by Hallmark Channel
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Hallmark Channel has completed one of its biggest series acquisition deals, nabbing rights to "7th Heaven," "Cheers" and "I Love Lucy" along with additional episodes of "Matlock" and "Touched by an Angel," all from CBS Television Distribution.
The deal also includes rights to 12 holiday movies, including "Finding John Christmas," "Town Without a Christmas" and "When Angels Come to Town."
"7th Heaven" will be the first of the three newly acquired series to come available to the network, where it will be ready to launch as early as January, while "Cheers" will become available later in 2008 and "Lucy" in January 2009. The deal includes rights to all episodes of all three series.
Hallmark senior VP acquisitions and programming Michelle Vicary said the plan is to run the three series in Monday-through-Friday strips. Executives also are considering weekend runs.
Vicary said the shows will appeal to Hallmark's regular viewers -- the baby boomer audience -- and attract the "occasional" viewers who tend to tune in primarily for the network's original movies. She added that the shows will complement Hallmark's other acquired series, including "M*A*S*H," "Little House on the Prairie" and "Murder, She Wrote."
"All (three) shows are what you think of when you think of Hallmark Channel," she said.
Hallmark and CBS declined comment on the financial terms of the deal.
The deal also includes rights to 12 holiday movies, including "Finding John Christmas," "Town Without a Christmas" and "When Angels Come to Town."
"7th Heaven" will be the first of the three newly acquired series to come available to the network, where it will be ready to launch as early as January, while "Cheers" will become available later in 2008 and "Lucy" in January 2009. The deal includes rights to all episodes of all three series.
Hallmark senior VP acquisitions and programming Michelle Vicary said the plan is to run the three series in Monday-through-Friday strips. Executives also are considering weekend runs.
Vicary said the shows will appeal to Hallmark's regular viewers -- the baby boomer audience -- and attract the "occasional" viewers who tend to tune in primarily for the network's original movies. She added that the shows will complement Hallmark's other acquired series, including "M*A*S*H," "Little House on the Prairie" and "Murder, She Wrote."
"All (three) shows are what you think of when you think of Hallmark Channel," she said.
Hallmark and CBS declined comment on the financial terms of the deal.
November 27, 2007
Gregg Oppenheimer Discusses I Love Lucy DVD Release
On Wednesday, November 28th, Gregg Oppenheimer, son of "I Love Lucy" producer and creator Jess Oppenheimer and producer of the "I Love Lucy" DVD releases, will be on Shokus Internet Radio from 4 pm Pacific Time (7 pm on the East Coast) until 6pm PST. Stuart Shostak will host the two-hour long call-in show. The website is free, and there's no registration required to listen or to call in and ask your own questions.
In addition to discussing how Gregg painstakingly restored every episode of the classic sitcom, "I Love Lucy" for the DVD releases, he will also cover his father Jess's incredibly successful career first as a radio writer for Lucy's "My Favorite Husband" series and then as co-creator and head writer for “I Love Lucy.”
As always, listener phone calls will be welcomed toll-free at (888) SHOKUS-5 (746-5875). The program will be repeated daily at the same time through December 4, except Sunday, when it will air at 10 a.m. PT. To hear the broadcast, please visit and select one of the players to access the live feed. There is no registration or cost involved -- it's all free!
In addition to discussing how Gregg painstakingly restored every episode of the classic sitcom, "I Love Lucy" for the DVD releases, he will also cover his father Jess's incredibly successful career first as a radio writer for Lucy's "My Favorite Husband" series and then as co-creator and head writer for “I Love Lucy.”
As always, listener phone calls will be welcomed toll-free at (888) SHOKUS-5 (746-5875). The program will be repeated daily at the same time through December 4, except Sunday, when it will air at 10 a.m. PT. To hear the broadcast, please visit and select one of the players to access the live feed. There is no registration or cost involved -- it's all free!
Lucille Ball Part of Quilt Exhibit
From the Dodge City Daily Globe, Rebekka Seigel creates a tribute quilt as part of an exhibition that tells the lives of 13 influential women. The exhibit is currently on display at the Stauth Memorial Museum in Montezuma, Kansas.
"The seventh quilt in my paper doll series evokes the most nostalgia from my childhood," said Seigel in a press release. "The Lucille Ball tribute is a collage of things that represent images that describe Lucy's life on screen and off."
The quilts are "paper doll quilts," complete with tiny, quilted outfits that symbolize the defining moments in each of the women's lives. The clothes are attached to the main quilt, but can be maneuvered to dress the doll.
"Three of Lucy's outfits represent my favorite adventures from (I Love Lucy)," said Seigel. "The maternity outfit makes note of the fact that she was the first woman to be allowed to be 'with child' - the word 'pregnant' was not allowed by the censors - on a television show.
"This wonderful clown was also the first female head of a television studio when she got control of DesiLu (Productions) in her divorce from Desi Arnaz, and that accomplishment is acknowledged with an outfit as well."
Each quilt in the "Women's Work" series is different and each is dedicated to a different woman. Maya Angelou, Lucille Ball, Pearl S. Buck, Rachel Carson, Babe Didrikson, Ella Fitzgerald, Martha Graham, Barbara Jordan, Lucy Martin Lewis, Margaret Mead, Louis Nevelson, Jean Ritchie and Eleanor Roosevelt are each represented in the series.
Joining the "Women's Work" exhibit will be a display of 40 quilts created in all parts of the state of Kansas. The quilts were stitched in a wide variety of patterns and materials, including cross-stitch, scrap and Stack 'n' Wack, Christmas and samplers. Some of the quilts were made as long ago as the mid-1800s, while others were finished just this year.
The exhibit is open from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sundays. The exhibit is closed on Mondays and all major holidays. "Women's Work" will be on display through Jan. 6, 2008.
November 21, 2007
Exclusive Mattel Ethel Doll Released for Christmas
Mattel released another doll and this time it was an exclusive version of Ethel Mertz! I believe this one hit above everybody's radar. This version is a Platinum I Love Lucy series, which means less than a 1,000 were made. It has Ethel in the Christmas episode, which is the same episode that was last year's exclusive Lucille Ball Mattel doll release. This is Mattel's 14th in their I Love Lucy series.
The Plantinum label edition is truly rare. There are only three other classes of dolls produced by Mattel; Gold which produces 25,000, Silver which produces 50,000 and Pink which is your normal everyday release.
This Mattel Platinum Label I Love Lucy, Ethel Doll is truly rare and will not be found in stores anymore. This is the first-ever solo Ethel Mertz doll released by Mattel. The Christmas Show, also known as Jingle Bells, first aired on Christmas Eve, 1956. This episode featured flashbacks woven with newer Christmas-themed footage, in which all four main characters, Lucy and Ricky Ricardo and Fred and Ethel Mertz, all dressed as Santa Claus only to be surprised by a visit from the real Santa at the end!
November 18, 2007
I Love Lucy Square Dedication
The late comedian Lucille Ball and the owner of Lucy's El Adobe Cafe were recognized for their contributions to Hollywood with the renaming of an intersection to "I Love Lucy Square."
Lucille Ball and Lucy Casado shared the honor Thursday afternoon at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Plymouth Boulevard near Paramount Studios. Lucille Ball and her husband, Desi Arnaz, started Desilu Productions at the cafe in 1951.
Lucy's El Adobe Cafe has become a popular campaign stop for politicians. Former California Gov. Jerry Brown, now the state's attorney general, first met singer Linda Ronstadt at the cafe in the 1970s.
Councilman Tom LaBonge unveiled the square's new sign during an afternoon ceremony.
November 17, 2007
Lucille Ball Honored in "The 50 Greatest TV Icons"
TV Land and Entertainment Weekly have picked late-night king Johnny Carson as Top on the list and Lucille Ball came in second. Pictured here is Lucy with Johnny Carson in the early 1960's. Johnny Carson also appeared with Lucy in her series "Here's Lucy" in the episode, "Lucy and Johnny Carson". You can also find the Video Clip of Lucy with Johnny Carson on the "Everything Lucy" website.
TV Land aired their choices in a two-hour special at 8 p.m. Friday. Entertainment Weekly will share the list in its edition that's out Friday. Want to draw up your own list? TV Land has established Icon Challenge.
You can find the List posted on the Associated Press.
Here are the top names:
50. Larry Hagman
49. Calista Flockhart
48. Jimmy Smits
47. Simon Cowell
46. Lassie
45. Sarah Michelle Gellar
44. Susan Lucci
43. Flip Wilson
42. James Gandolfini
41. Jon Stewart
40. Sally Field
39. Jennifer Aniston
38. Bea Arthur
37. George Clooney
36. Diahann Carroll
35. Michael J. Fox
34. Bob Barker
33. Ellen DeGeneres
32. Henry Winkler
31. Sarah Jessica Parker
30. Alan Alda
29. John Ritter
28. Howard Cosell
27. Regis Philbin
26. Farrah Fawcett
25. Heather Locklear
24. Michael Landon
23. Barbara Walters
22. Milton Berle
21. Kermit
20. Carroll O'Connor
19. Andy Griffith
18. William Shatner
17. Bob Newhart
16. David Letterman
15. "Not Ready for Prime Time Players"
14. Ed Sullivan
13. Jackie Gleason
12. Dick Van Dyke
11. Roseanne
10. Dick Clark
9. Homer Simpson
8. Jerry Seinfeld
7. Mary Tyler Moore
6. Carol Burnett
5. Walter Cronkite
4. Bill Cosby
3. Oprah Winfrey
2. Lucille Ball
1. Johnny Carson
My say - "Where's Carol Burnett? And Why is Lucy No. 2??"
Lucille Ball - I Love Lucy Box Set Review
Although old news to all Lucy Fans, I post this article from The London Free Press on I Love Lucy: The Complete Series Box Set which came out this last October.
For the I-want-it-all collector, this is absolutely it for Lucy, the holy grail or "the whole McGillicuddy," as the box cover declares. Anyone who already owns season-by-season sets might be annoyed by this more desirable mega-set, but this is now the pattern with TV on DVD. Plan ahead.
The new gift box, shaped like a giant heart, contains six seasons of I Love Lucy and three of The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, taking them to April 1, 1960. The shows are all in proper full-frame and vintage black-and-white.
In addition, you get the rough kinescope version of the so-called "lost pilot" of 1951 -- first aired in 1990 -- along with the filmed feature, I Love Lucy: The Movie. It was constructed in 1953 out of three first-season episodes connected by a new intro, exit and various tidbits.
There are other gems, too, including Lucy and Desi's three-minute skit on The Ed Wynn show in 1949, ads from sponsor Philip Morris (Lucy, Desi and co-stars Vivian Vance and William Frawley all smoked like steam locomotives on air, too) and excerpts from the 1954 Emmy Awards.
You can also watch a separate colourized version of the 1956 Lucy Goes to Scotland episode.
I Love Lucy Murals
In Lucille Ball's hometown of Jamestown, NY you'll find lots of "Lucy" to do and see. Besides the Lucy-Desi Museum, Lucy-Desi Center's Gift Show and the Desilu Playhouse, you'll see murals of Lucy throughout the town.
The "I Love Lucy" murals in downtown Jamestown are a can't miss. Now, a fourth in a series of Lucy-Desi murals has been completed. Gary Peters, who is a big supporter of the Center was commissioned to create the series. Jamestown’s newest Lucy mural, is located at the Spring and Fourth Street corner of the Spring Street parking garage.
The Chautauqua Region Community Foundation provided the funding necessary for the mural with additional financial support provided by the Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.
Lucy's hometown is making strides in celebrating the legacy of the first Couple of Comedy thanks to these organizations, others, from throughout the world that make Jamestown, New York, a visitor destination each year
Carol Burnett profiled in PBS Documentary
Although this doesn't pertain to Lucille Ball and I'm breaking my own rule that this is nothing but "Everything Lucy", I wanted to post about the next best red-headed comedian, Carol Burnett. She worked with Lucy from her beginnings and the two became close friends.
Carol Burnett was featured in a PBS Documentary, American Masters, subtitled "A Woman of Character". One of the interview subjects points out that Burnett could never sing "as herself" during the 11-year run of her CBS variety show: She could only sing in character.
Read more from the San Francisco Chronicle or visit PBS American Masters to read about the documentary, Carol Burnett: A Woman of Character.
You can also read more about the documentary and Carol Burnett from The Denver Post.
November 11, 2007
We loved Lucy. But we really liked Ricky
From Cuba with Love on "Lucy" by Frank Lovece is an article from Newsday on Desi Arnaz.
So much is written on Lucille Ball that we sometimes miss the achievements of her husband Desi Arnaz. This special Newsday article goes into a few of those achievements ...
So much is written on Lucille Ball that we sometimes miss the achievements of her husband Desi Arnaz. This special Newsday article goes into a few of those achievements ...
And whatever Ricky Ricardo might or might not have influenced in terms of cultural assimilation, Arnaz at least provided the groundbreaking role model that helped Hispanics tell the rest of America, "Honey! We're home!
I Love Lucy Video Games
According to Multiplayer Blog, BeanBag Studio has produced what appears to be an I Love Lucy Video Trivia Game. You can see the games from on their site.
Steve Bergenholtz, CEO of newly announced game development company Beanbag Studios said he secured the licenses by contacting the children of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, their agents and CBS.
Bergenholtz said that his team tested various ideas for two weeks at a time and settled on a trivia concept for the first three “Lucy” games. The opening “Lucy” titles from Beanbag will each involve one of the three cited episodes. Video-based challenges include trivia, filling in missing lines from edited clips, and putting parts of the show in their proper order. More “Lucy” games are coming in the second quarter of 2008, including one in the style of “Diner Dash.”
Bergenholtz said he’s targeting the “Lucy” “Diner Dash” game for the Wii’s upcoming WiiWare downloadable game service.
At least two of the “Lucy” games will be available this holiday season. Look for updates on the official Beanbag Studios site.
Steve Bergenholtz, CEO of newly announced game development company Beanbag Studios said he secured the licenses by contacting the children of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, their agents and CBS.
Bergenholtz said that his team tested various ideas for two weeks at a time and settled on a trivia concept for the first three “Lucy” games. The opening “Lucy” titles from Beanbag will each involve one of the three cited episodes. Video-based challenges include trivia, filling in missing lines from edited clips, and putting parts of the show in their proper order. More “Lucy” games are coming in the second quarter of 2008, including one in the style of “Diner Dash.”
Bergenholtz said he’s targeting the “Lucy” “Diner Dash” game for the Wii’s upcoming WiiWare downloadable game service.
At least two of the “Lucy” games will be available this holiday season. Look for updates on the official Beanbag Studios site.
Artist Renditions of Lucille Ball and Harpo Marx
Besides the thought of Mattel producing a likeness of Lucille Ball as Harpo Marx, the next best thing is the artist, Altered Whimsey who produces one of a kind graphite drawings and paintings.
As a fellow artist, I encourage everyone to visit the site to view the original 8x10 of Lucille Ball and Harpo Marx. For only $40.00 it would make an outstanding Christmas gift to any Lucy Fan.
As a fellow artist, I encourage everyone to visit the site to view the original 8x10 of Lucille Ball and Harpo Marx. For only $40.00 it would make an outstanding Christmas gift to any Lucy Fan.
October 31, 2007
Lucille Ball to Appear in New USPS Stamp
Featuring Iconic Celebrities from the Hollywood Legends Stamp Series, the United States Postal Service announces their branded Hollywood Legend Stamp Puzzles are now available.
Six new stamp puzzles featuring John Wayne, Lucille Ball and other Hollywood Legends stamps take the puzzle out of gift giving.
Manufactured in the United States by White Mountain Puzzles, these 1,000-piece puzzles also depict images of Humphrey Bogart, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
The "Hollywood Legends Puzzles" are some of the consumer products licensed by the U.S. Postal Service. Other items include apparel, fashion accessories, packaging and shipping products, toys and games.
"U.S. postage stamps celebrate the things that make our nation great," said Nick Barranca, Vice President, Product Development. "They remind us of America's natural wonders, important historical events, and the people who touched our lives. Like the Hollywood stars they depict, these puzzles are sure to be popular."
The "Hollywood Legends Puzzles" can be found at specialty retailers including: It's a Puzzle stores, Go! Games stores, and at
Christie's Auction Brings Money to Lucille Ball Center
The stakes were high as bidders from around the globe took part in one of the most anticipated auctions of the season at Christie's this past weekend, where buyers had the chance to bid on some rare and important jewels, as well as some items that belonged to Lucille Ball.
Twelve items from the estate of Lucille Ball were auctioned off, including five pendant necklaces, two watches, two rings, a retro diamond and gold evening bag and matching cigarette case, selling for a combined total of $331,000. Part of the proceeds went to the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, in Jamestown, NY.
The most anticipated sale of the day was an extremely rare blue diamond ring, a 5.07-carat rectangular cut "fancy" stone within a pave-set pink diamond, which sold for the highest price of the day to an anonymous buyer over the phone. The blue diamond was simply described as having been the "property of a gentleman". It was the last sale of the day.
The total in sales for the day was $38,878,650, the highest selling item going for $2,885,800 and the lowest selling item, a colored diamond ring, going for $1,375.
Twelve items from the estate of Lucille Ball were auctioned off, including five pendant necklaces, two watches, two rings, a retro diamond and gold evening bag and matching cigarette case, selling for a combined total of $331,000. Part of the proceeds went to the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, in Jamestown, NY.
The most anticipated sale of the day was an extremely rare blue diamond ring, a 5.07-carat rectangular cut "fancy" stone within a pave-set pink diamond, which sold for the highest price of the day to an anonymous buyer over the phone. The blue diamond was simply described as having been the "property of a gentleman". It was the last sale of the day.
The total in sales for the day was $38,878,650, the highest selling item going for $2,885,800 and the lowest selling item, a colored diamond ring, going for $1,375.
October 29, 2007
Lucille Ball Visits Her Home After Death
According to the New York Post, Lucille Ball was seen a few years after her death visiting the remains of her home on Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills.
Apparently, Gary Morton sold the home that Lucy lived in with Desi since 1954 and continued to live there after their divorce and her remarriage to Gary. Lucy loved the house so much that she persuaded the owners to sell it, even though it wasn't on the market. A few years after her death, Gary sold the home and the new owners bulldozed it down to build another house for themselves. It was during this time that she was seen wandering around the home frustrated and melancholy about her beloved home being destroyed.
Another story from the New York Post, is about what once was owned by Desilu Studios among others. The original owner of Culver Studios, Thomas Ince, is said to be still be roaming the studio.
Apparently, Gary Morton sold the home that Lucy lived in with Desi since 1954 and continued to live there after their divorce and her remarriage to Gary. Lucy loved the house so much that she persuaded the owners to sell it, even though it wasn't on the market. A few years after her death, Gary sold the home and the new owners bulldozed it down to build another house for themselves. It was during this time that she was seen wandering around the home frustrated and melancholy about her beloved home being destroyed.
Another story from the New York Post, is about what once was owned by Desilu Studios among others. The original owner of Culver Studios, Thomas Ince, is said to be still be roaming the studio.
Lucie Arnaz Performs at Birdland
Lucie Arnaz will perform at New York's Birdland jazz club on Sunday and Monday, November 18 and 19, 2007. Appearing with her are two of her children, Katharine and Joe Luckinbill, with musical direction by Ron Abel.
Birdland is located at 315 West 44th Street in New York City. The shows start at 7PM and tickets are $35. For reservations or other information, call (212) 581-3080, or visit the Birdland web site.
October 18, 2007
Desi Arnaz Orchestra Member, Tony Terran Produces CD Tribute
A very special tribute CD "Tony Terran Remembers" along with Brent Mosley and David Longoria is available from New Found Records.
Tony Terran is the last surviving member from the Desi Arnaz Orchestra and played lead trumpet on every single I Love Lucy television show that was ever taped including Here's Lucy. He has over 10,000 recording dates to his name. Tony has played on everything from the infamous "Rocky Theme Song, "Karate Kid" movies, to the original "Star Trek" television shows.
Tony has recorded with New Found Records all of his favorite songs from the I Love Lucy television show, including: the famous theme song for I Love Lucy, Cuban Pete, Babalu, Tico Tico, etc. There is also a Great Treasure included at the end of this CD ... Tony shares his personal stories about what it was like to work with Desi and Lucy backstage including how he got his job as the lead trumpet player!
This really is an unbelievable and historical CD!
By purchasing copies of Tony's CD you are also helping New Found Records continue to bring great music to the public that shouldn't be kept a secret!
You can read more about Tony Terran from his myspace website.
"Lucy at the Movies" in Bookstores
Who doesn't know Lucille Ball? From late night Nick-At-Nite viewings to 24-hour TV Land marathons, inevitably every television-owning American is familiar with the hilariously charming "I Love Lucy." Wildly charismatic and graciously fluent with slapstick comedy, Lucille Ball has lit the small screen for decades, and is a staple in American television. But a staple in American film?
In the shadow of her celebrated television career falls her equally impressive movie career, little recognized except by Ball aficionados. And while much is written about the housewife/Tropicana performer, the lavishly illustrated and highly detailed new book, LUCY AT THE MOVIES, (Running Press; October 2007; Hardcover; $29.95) is the first to take a thorough look at the film life of this classic Hollywood golden girl.
In her career, Lucille Ball performed in over eighty movies, most made in the 1930s and 40s, long before her famous antics as Lucy Ricardo. Author and classic film devotee Cindy De La Hoz not only chronicles Lucille's experience in film land, but offers a comprehensive look at each of the movies themselves, including cast and crew lists, production facts, movie synopses, behind-the-scenes stories, and contemporary movie reviews. The book is also packed with biographical insights and hundreds of never-before-published production stills and portraits, all of which define Lucille as a gifted entertainer within the golden era of American cinema.
"The value in this encyclopedia is the information on not only the film career of Lucille Ball, but the way films were made. It's an invaluable history of the motion picture industry and those who first created it," says Ball's daughter Lucie Arnaz, of LUCY AT THE MOVIES. A testament to the beautiful and talented film star, De La Hoz leaves no role untouched as she manages to transport us back to Hollywood's Golden Age, reminding us that there was life before Lindsay Lohan and the starlets gracing today's tabloids, and boy was it glamorous.
You should purchase the book today, through the "Everything Lucy" website link below. Help support "Everything Lucy" and the foremost Lucille Ball website on the internet today!
About the Book: Title: LUCY AT THE MOVIES Author: Cindy De La Hoz Publisher: Running Press Format: Hardcover Price: $29.95 ISBN-13: 978-0-7624-2706-2 ISBN-10: 0-7624-2706-X Publication Month: October 2007
Jamestown Article on Carol Burnett Donation
The Jamestown Post Journal posted an article on October 12th regarding the Carol Burnett Donation to the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center. Carol Burnett is donating two television episodes that likely haven’t been seen in public since they originally aired in the 1950s.
When Carol Burnett awoke on her 56th birthday in 1989, she learned on the morning news that Lucille Ball had died. Later that afternoon, the flowers she received every year arrived at her home with the note "Happy Birthday, Kid. Love, Lucy."
"From an archival perspective, these programs have also been invaluable in helping us document the wardrobe that Lucy wore on these shows. Until Ms. Burnett’s offer to help, we had no images of Lucy from these TV appearances — no footage, no photographs,’’ Wyman said. ‘‘We have many costumes and personal attire in our archives for which our collections manager continues to research the provenance. These programs helped document several costumes for us."
Read the article for more information. For more information about the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, call 484-0800 or visit their website.
Lucy's Sparkling Jewelry
This past Tuesday was the auction of Christie's Auction House which featured the sparkling jewelry of Lucille Ball.
On the Today Show on October 11th, Rahul Kadakia showed off some of these items. Watch the video below:

Sparkling jewelry from Christie’s
On the Today Show on October 11th, Rahul Kadakia showed off some of these items. Watch the video below:
Sparkling jewelry from Christie’s
October 10, 2007
Lucille Ball's Trust Buys New York Condo
"It's my trust set up by my mother and it has been invested for two decades," Ms. Arnaz, the 56-year-old actress, wrote to The Observer. "I manage it now and I felt this was a good investment for the Trust. It's that simple. I may or may not even live there."
Read The New York Observer for more information.
Cake Honoring Lucille Ball Wins Gold Medal
Mark spent 200 after-work hours creating the cake. The cake's shape is actually a plastic foam form but the icing required painstaking detail and patience. The feathered pedestal, for example, took 36 hours to make, Seaman said. The cake features the initials of Lucille Desiree Ball as intricate icing details in a heart shape on the side of the cake.
The winning entry is on display under an acrylic enclosure at his Libertyville store for the foreseeable future. Visitors should note the flowers are made of sugar not silk.
For more information, read the Daily Herald's story.
October 09, 2007
Carol Burnett Donates Special TV Episodes
Jamestown, NY – One is the Queen of comedy. The other, the Princess. They appeared in each other’s television series. They were friends for years.
When Carol Burnett awoke on her 56th birthday in 1989, she learned on the morning news that Lucille Ball had died. Later that afternoon, the flowers she received every year arrived at her home with the note “Happy Birthday, Kid. Love, Lucy.”
Recently, Carol Burnett called the executive director of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Ball’s hometown to ask, “How can I help?” Executive director Ric Wyman reported, “Naturally, my first response was to invite her to Jamestown, New York. While Ms. Burnett agreed that she hopes to be able to visit here some day, she was more immediately able to provide us with something we’ve wanted for a long time.”
As a result, her hometown museum now holds in its archives a copy of every installment of The Carol Burnett Show in which Lucille Ball appeared.
“Because these episodes of The Carol Burnett Show are not available on home video or in syndication, we believe they’ve not been seen since their original air dates,” Wyman said. Ms. Burnett has generously given the Lucy-Desi Center permission to incorporate this footage into future exhibits at the Lucy-Desi Museum.
“From an archival perspective, these programs have also been invaluable in helping us document the wardrobe that Lucy wore on these shows. Until Ms. Burnett’s offer to help, we had no images of Lucy from these TV appearances—no footage, no photographs,” Wyman said. “We have many costumes and personal attire in our archives for which our collections manager continues to research the provenance. These programs helped document several costumes for us,” Wyman noted.
What inspired Carol Burnett to call? Wyman explained, “Ret Turner, a five-time Emmy award winning costume designer—who designed several gowns for Lucy—is also a close friend of Ms. Burnett’s. Ret has been a staunch supporter of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center for several years and was with us in Jamestown this summer. Earlier this year, Ret shared his experiences of the Lucy-Desi Center with Ms. Burnett. This lead to Ms. Burnett’s call to us,” Wyman said.
With the strong connection between these two iconic comediennes, the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center’s collection is greatly enhanced by the addition of these offerings.
For more information about the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, call (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or visit their website.
When Carol Burnett awoke on her 56th birthday in 1989, she learned on the morning news that Lucille Ball had died. Later that afternoon, the flowers she received every year arrived at her home with the note “Happy Birthday, Kid. Love, Lucy.”
Recently, Carol Burnett called the executive director of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Ball’s hometown to ask, “How can I help?” Executive director Ric Wyman reported, “Naturally, my first response was to invite her to Jamestown, New York. While Ms. Burnett agreed that she hopes to be able to visit here some day, she was more immediately able to provide us with something we’ve wanted for a long time.”
As a result, her hometown museum now holds in its archives a copy of every installment of The Carol Burnett Show in which Lucille Ball appeared.
“Because these episodes of The Carol Burnett Show are not available on home video or in syndication, we believe they’ve not been seen since their original air dates,” Wyman said. Ms. Burnett has generously given the Lucy-Desi Center permission to incorporate this footage into future exhibits at the Lucy-Desi Museum.
“From an archival perspective, these programs have also been invaluable in helping us document the wardrobe that Lucy wore on these shows. Until Ms. Burnett’s offer to help, we had no images of Lucy from these TV appearances—no footage, no photographs,” Wyman said. “We have many costumes and personal attire in our archives for which our collections manager continues to research the provenance. These programs helped document several costumes for us,” Wyman noted.
What inspired Carol Burnett to call? Wyman explained, “Ret Turner, a five-time Emmy award winning costume designer—who designed several gowns for Lucy—is also a close friend of Ms. Burnett’s. Ret has been a staunch supporter of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center for several years and was with us in Jamestown this summer. Earlier this year, Ret shared his experiences of the Lucy-Desi Center with Ms. Burnett. This lead to Ms. Burnett’s call to us,” Wyman said.
With the strong connection between these two iconic comediennes, the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center’s collection is greatly enhanced by the addition of these offerings.
For more information about the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center, call (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or visit their website.
October 08, 2007
Vintage Hollywood Magazines Featuring Lucille Ball Made Available
Recently Ralph Benner, publisher of the legendary Hollywood Magazines such as Rona Barrett's Hollywood and Tiger beat, opened the vaults and has made
available to the public vintage issues of Hollywood Studio Magazine. Stored in a warehouse for over 20 years, these magazines are in mint condition and take you back to the real "Glamorous Life" of the Hollywood legends. The stars who lit up the screen and yes, the gossip columns, too, come alive with elegant color photos, interesting behind-the-scenes stories and a fascinating look into the business that made them stars.
If you remember the glittering life style of the "old Hollywood," or just want to find out more about what it was really like when stars walked the red carpet in mink and sable and long cigarette holders, let Hollywood Studio Magazine take you there.
For more information, go to Hollywood Studio Magazine. Issues of the magazine are limited and once they are gone, they are gone forever. The glamorous life of old Hollywood may be gone forever, too, but relive it in the pages of Hollywood Studio Magazine.
The Lucy Anniversary Special magazine sales for $10.00. One year after her death in 1990 this collector’s issue contains more never-before-seen photos; profiles of her most memorable leading men; a tribute to her husband Gary Morton and her mother Desiree Ball; Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr; an episodic guide to The Lucy Show; four glamorous color portraits and color pull-out poster of Lucy as Mame.
Hollywood Studio Magazine had its debut in 1957 and ceased publication in 1992. Every issue was a collector’s gem. Printed on fine quality paper, each issue contained star photos in color, pull out movie posters suitable for framing and vast files of untold stories about the glory days of the motion picture industry and its most glamorous stars.
The Saturday Seven: Funny Female Friendships
Read more from the Palm Springs Savant.
Religion takes center stage with Mississippi ballet company
JACKSON, Miss. - Instead of heading off to college after high-school graduation, Elizabeth Kraft left her Northern Virginia home for a small dance studio in Mississippi.
She had long aspired to dance professionally. But after enrolling in various programs, Kraft said, she found the competitive world of dance to be “cutthroat.” She even considered giving it up.
“The Lord showed me that without dance in my life,” the 19-year-old said, “it would be kind of empty.”
She and other dancers from around the world were drawn to Ballet Magnificat!, a nondenominational Christian ballet company that combines classical dance instruction, family-friendly material and a mission to share the Christian faith. It’s part of a trend incorporating dance and other creative arts into religious expression, scholars say.
Kraft is a member of the Jackson-based company’s trainee program, where dancers are schooled in classical ballet and get to participate in Christian-themed performances.
A fellow trainee, Hanna Nagel, 22, traveled from Germany to join after dancing in secular companies in her native country. Nagel said she found her religious beliefs interfered with some of the provocative subject matter portrayed on stage. She knew there had to be a place where her spiritual side could exist with her passion for dancing.
Ballet Magnificat!’s building is unassuming from the outside. But with four dance studios and a school of arts that teaches about 400, the narrow hallways are abuzz. Music echoes through the sweltering studios, the temperatures suiting dancers’ need for warm muscles.
The company was founded in 1986 by Kathy Thibodeaux, a silver medalist at the II USA International Ballet Competition, held in Jackson every four years.
Her performance to the contemporary Christian classic “We Shall Behold Him” was “sort of the seed that started out as Ballet Magnificat!,” said Keith Thibodeaux, Kathy’s husband and executive director of the business.
Keith Thibodeaux is no stranger to performing. Though not trained in ballet, he plays the drums, a talent that earned him a gig as Little Ricky, the TV son of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz on “I Love Lucy.”
Kathy Thibodeaux said most of the company’s performances are biblically based stories put to dance with contemporary Christian and classical music.
“We use the same dance vocabulary that we were brought up in. We just sell a different message,” she said.
What started as a four-person ballet company has grown to two professional touring companies - Alpha and Omega - and 31 trainees. They attend classes five days a week in preparation for ministries in the touring companies as well as other mission work.
“Our desire is that it will magnify the Lord in all that we do. Dancing is just a gift that the Lord gave us,” Kathy Thibodeaux said.
Members of the Alpha Company spent the beginning of September on a European tour that took them to Germany, Greece and the Czech Republic. Alpha is performing “Ruth,” a contemporary spin on the biblical story.
The group says it has not faced much resistance in performing Christian-themed productions.
“We really get to go where the normal crews of church pastors or evangelists are not able to go to,” Keith Thibodeaux said. He believes the performances attract people who enjoy ballet - as well as people who’ve never seen ballet but attend because the group is Christian.
Cynthia Newland, assistant professor of dance at Christian liberal-arts school Belhaven College in Jackson, said Christian dance found a place in the “Jesus Movement” of the 1960s and grew.
Along with dance, other creative arts such as painting and poetry reading are joining more traditional expressions like music and drama in worship settings.
“I’ve in particular seen much more of a growth and a resurgence in dance in the last 12 years,” Newland said. “That is being done in churches of all denominations.”
She had long aspired to dance professionally. But after enrolling in various programs, Kraft said, she found the competitive world of dance to be “cutthroat.” She even considered giving it up.
“The Lord showed me that without dance in my life,” the 19-year-old said, “it would be kind of empty.”
She and other dancers from around the world were drawn to Ballet Magnificat!, a nondenominational Christian ballet company that combines classical dance instruction, family-friendly material and a mission to share the Christian faith. It’s part of a trend incorporating dance and other creative arts into religious expression, scholars say.
Kraft is a member of the Jackson-based company’s trainee program, where dancers are schooled in classical ballet and get to participate in Christian-themed performances.
A fellow trainee, Hanna Nagel, 22, traveled from Germany to join after dancing in secular companies in her native country. Nagel said she found her religious beliefs interfered with some of the provocative subject matter portrayed on stage. She knew there had to be a place where her spiritual side could exist with her passion for dancing.
Ballet Magnificat!’s building is unassuming from the outside. But with four dance studios and a school of arts that teaches about 400, the narrow hallways are abuzz. Music echoes through the sweltering studios, the temperatures suiting dancers’ need for warm muscles.
The company was founded in 1986 by Kathy Thibodeaux, a silver medalist at the II USA International Ballet Competition, held in Jackson every four years.
Her performance to the contemporary Christian classic “We Shall Behold Him” was “sort of the seed that started out as Ballet Magnificat!,” said Keith Thibodeaux, Kathy’s husband and executive director of the business.
Keith Thibodeaux is no stranger to performing. Though not trained in ballet, he plays the drums, a talent that earned him a gig as Little Ricky, the TV son of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz on “I Love Lucy.”
Kathy Thibodeaux said most of the company’s performances are biblically based stories put to dance with contemporary Christian and classical music.
“We use the same dance vocabulary that we were brought up in. We just sell a different message,” she said.
What started as a four-person ballet company has grown to two professional touring companies - Alpha and Omega - and 31 trainees. They attend classes five days a week in preparation for ministries in the touring companies as well as other mission work.
“Our desire is that it will magnify the Lord in all that we do. Dancing is just a gift that the Lord gave us,” Kathy Thibodeaux said.
Members of the Alpha Company spent the beginning of September on a European tour that took them to Germany, Greece and the Czech Republic. Alpha is performing “Ruth,” a contemporary spin on the biblical story.
The group says it has not faced much resistance in performing Christian-themed productions.
“We really get to go where the normal crews of church pastors or evangelists are not able to go to,” Keith Thibodeaux said. He believes the performances attract people who enjoy ballet - as well as people who’ve never seen ballet but attend because the group is Christian.
Cynthia Newland, assistant professor of dance at Christian liberal-arts school Belhaven College in Jackson, said Christian dance found a place in the “Jesus Movement” of the 1960s and grew.
Along with dance, other creative arts such as painting and poetry reading are joining more traditional expressions like music and drama in worship settings.
“I’ve in particular seen much more of a growth and a resurgence in dance in the last 12 years,” Newland said. “That is being done in churches of all denominations.”
Harbor City Plans Lucille Ball Celebration
Harbor City, Maryland is planning a tribute to Lucille Ball, complete with red wigs and polka-dotted dresses.
"It's got to be big. This is a Lucille Ball celebration!" choir director Michael Gellert told the women during rehearsal this week at the Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park.
Harbor City, which has about 70 members across Maryland and northern Virginia and 26 members from Anne Arundel County, is a barbershop choir affiliated with Sweet Adelines International.
Read more in the Maryland Gazette.
"It's got to be big. This is a Lucille Ball celebration!" choir director Michael Gellert told the women during rehearsal this week at the Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park.
Harbor City, which has about 70 members across Maryland and northern Virginia and 26 members from Anne Arundel County, is a barbershop choir affiliated with Sweet Adelines International.
Read more in the Maryland Gazette.
September 23, 2007
This Day Almost 30 Years Ago
Today, September 23rd in 1968 was the airing of Lucille Ball's last well-known series, Here's Lucy! As Lucille Carter, she was mom to her real life son Desi Arnaz, Jr., who played Craig and her daughter Lucie Arnaz, who played Kim. Lucy found it a wonderful way to work and have a personal relationship with her children.
The show ended in 1974 and she wouldn't appear back in a regular TV series again until 1986 for her last TV series that was too short-lived.
The show ended in 1974 and she wouldn't appear back in a regular TV series again until 1986 for her last TV series that was too short-lived.
September 18, 2007
More on Lucille Ball's Jewely Auction
More information from our earlier post on Christie's auction house Magnificent Jewels sale of Lucille Ball's jewelry that will benefit the Lucy-Desi Center.
Ten lots of jewelry that belonged to The Queen of Comedy will be included in the October 16 event at New York’s Rockefeller Center. Featured pieces will be a tiger’s eye and gold wristwatch, an onyx, emerald and diamond pendant necklace, a 46.92 carats cabochon star sapphire and diamond ring, a diamond and gold evening bag that Lucy used on her White House visit in 1986, a Cartier diamond and gold "tonneau" wristwatch, and a sodalite, diamond and gold pendant necklace by Van Cleef and Arpels.
A portion of the sales will benefit the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Lucy’s hometown, Jamestown, New York.
With sales in 2006 of $4.67 billion, Christie’s offers over 600 sales annually in more than 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewelry, photographs, collectibles, wine and more. Christie’s "Magnificent Jewels" sale on October 16 will present more than 300 lots of extraordinary jewels expected to realize in the region of $25 million.
Images and descriptions of the lots offered in this sale are presented in Christie’s Magnificent Jewels catalog which is available online. A link to the online catalog is also available on the Lucy-Desi Center’s home page. A free public exhibition of the sale will take place at Christie's famed Rockefeller Center galleries October 11-15.
Ten lots of jewelry that belonged to The Queen of Comedy will be included in the October 16 event at New York’s Rockefeller Center. Featured pieces will be a tiger’s eye and gold wristwatch, an onyx, emerald and diamond pendant necklace, a 46.92 carats cabochon star sapphire and diamond ring, a diamond and gold evening bag that Lucy used on her White House visit in 1986, a Cartier diamond and gold "tonneau" wristwatch, and a sodalite, diamond and gold pendant necklace by Van Cleef and Arpels.
A portion of the sales will benefit the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Lucy’s hometown, Jamestown, New York.
With sales in 2006 of $4.67 billion, Christie’s offers over 600 sales annually in more than 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewelry, photographs, collectibles, wine and more. Christie’s "Magnificent Jewels" sale on October 16 will present more than 300 lots of extraordinary jewels expected to realize in the region of $25 million.
Images and descriptions of the lots offered in this sale are presented in Christie’s Magnificent Jewels catalog which is available online. A link to the online catalog is also available on the Lucy-Desi Center’s home page. A free public exhibition of the sale will take place at Christie's famed Rockefeller Center galleries October 11-15.
September 14, 2007
L.A. Streets to Honor Lucille Ball and Larry King
In recognition of Larry King's 50 years in the broadcasting industry, the Los Angeles City Council agreed Wednesday to rename the area surrounding the CNN building in Hollywood after the longtime interviewer.
The area from Sunset Boulevard to DeLongpre Avenue and Cahuenga Boulevard to Cole Place will now be known as "Larry King Square."
King started his broadcasting career in 1957 at a Miami radio station.
"Larry King Live" premiered on CNN in June 1985 and is the network's longest-running interview program.
The late comedian Lucille Ball and the owner of Lucy's El Adobe Cafe will be also be recognized for their contributions to Hollywood with the renaming of an intersection to "I Love Lucy Square," the Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday.
Ball and Lucy Casada will share the honor at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Plymouth Boulevard near Paramount Studios. It was there, in 1951, that Ball and her husband, Desi Arnaz, started Desilu Productions.
Lucy's El Adobe Cafe is a popular campaign stop for local and national politicians, and is known as the restaurant where former California Gov. Jerry Brown first met singer Linda Ronstadt in the 1970s.
The area from Sunset Boulevard to DeLongpre Avenue and Cahuenga Boulevard to Cole Place will now be known as "Larry King Square."
King started his broadcasting career in 1957 at a Miami radio station.
"Larry King Live" premiered on CNN in June 1985 and is the network's longest-running interview program.
The late comedian Lucille Ball and the owner of Lucy's El Adobe Cafe will be also be recognized for their contributions to Hollywood with the renaming of an intersection to "I Love Lucy Square," the Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday.
Ball and Lucy Casada will share the honor at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Plymouth Boulevard near Paramount Studios. It was there, in 1951, that Ball and her husband, Desi Arnaz, started Desilu Productions.
Lucy's El Adobe Cafe is a popular campaign stop for local and national politicians, and is known as the restaurant where former California Gov. Jerry Brown first met singer Linda Ronstadt in the 1970s.
September 13, 2007
The Lucy Show Bonus DVD
CBS/Paramount is including a 1965-66 (color) episode of "The Lucy Show" entitled "Lucy the Gun Moll". This episode featured Robert Stack as a special guest along with Bruce Gordon and Steve London who happened to be regulars on The Untouchables.
September 09, 2007
Christie's to Auction Jewels of Lucille Ball
Christie's auction house will present the Jewels of the estate of Lucille Ball on October 16 at Rockefeller Center in New York City as part of their Magnificent Fall Jewels Sale.
The sale includes property from the estate of actress Lucille Ball. The collection of 10 pieces features a number of signed jewelry by Van Cleef & Arpels, including a suite of yellow sapphire and diamond jewelry that comprises a pendant necklace, a pair of ear clips and ring en suite (estimate: $25,000-$35,000.) A portion of the proceeds from this collection will benefit The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York.
There will be a preview for the auction on October 11-15. For more information on the auction, read the story at Rapaport News.
The sale includes property from the estate of actress Lucille Ball. The collection of 10 pieces features a number of signed jewelry by Van Cleef & Arpels, including a suite of yellow sapphire and diamond jewelry that comprises a pendant necklace, a pair of ear clips and ring en suite (estimate: $25,000-$35,000.) A portion of the proceeds from this collection will benefit The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York.
There will be a preview for the auction on October 11-15. For more information on the auction, read the story at Rapaport News.
September 07, 2007
I Love Lucy Makes TIME's Top 100
17 Shows that changed TV from Time Magazine's James Poiniewozik lists "I Love Lucy" as top of that list!
The other shows that made the top 17 are; The Ernie Kovacs Show, The Super Bowl, Seasame Street, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, MASH, An American Family, Hill Street Blues, MTV, The Cosby Show, The Simpons, Twin Peaks, Beavis and Butt-Head, The Sopranos, Survivor, 24, and Lost.
Check out the rest of Time's Top 100.
Personally I think they should add "The Lucy Show" as well as "The Carol Burnett Show", "Lost in Space" and "Rosanne" but then I don't compile the list!
The sitcom that by now is almost a synonym for classic got that way by doing all the things that everyone at the time knew you weren't supposed to do. You couldn't have a female star who was both attractive and funny. You couldn't have her male lead be an urban Latino whose Cuban accent was thicker than a platter of ropa vieja. You couldn't build a story line around a (gasp!) pregnancy. Lucille Ball's contributions to TV's past are so obvious--Vitameatavegamin, the Tropicana Club, the slapstick routines--that it's better to note what this show says about today's future: sometimes the greatest sign of a future classic TV show is that it doesn't look like classic TV.
The other shows that made the top 17 are; The Ernie Kovacs Show, The Super Bowl, Seasame Street, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, MASH, An American Family, Hill Street Blues, MTV, The Cosby Show, The Simpons, Twin Peaks, Beavis and Butt-Head, The Sopranos, Survivor, 24, and Lost.
Check out the rest of Time's Top 100.
Personally I think they should add "The Lucy Show" as well as "The Carol Burnett Show", "Lost in Space" and "Rosanne" but then I don't compile the list!
The Musical Side of Desi Arnaz
From, written by Big Geez for Retro Redux.
Before Desi Arnaz was known as Lucy's Babalu king of "I Love Lucy" he was a musical talent all his own.
By the late 1930's, Latin music had been a part of jazz for years, with bandleaders such as Xavier Cugat and others enjoying a lot of success based on America's fascination with the intoxicating music. And it was Cugat himself - who was Spanish but always had an eye for any Latin talent - who discovered a young Cuban musician named Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III.
Desi Arnaz could play the conga and the guitar, and he could sing with a lot of enthusiasm. It didn't take long for the teenager to become a popular soloist in Cugat's band, but in less than a year he split from his mentor and formed his own group. It must have seemed like a gutsy move for someone so young, but the gamble paid off as his star began to rise in the New York club scene. Audiences loved his lively, energetic musical style, and his popularity soon led to a part in a Broadway musical.
It was about then that his life took a significant turn, because that musical, Too Many Girls, was turned into a movie in 1940, and his co-star was an actress named Lucille Ball. They became a couple, and over 20 years of marriage became not only TV superstars, but also the founders of a production company that was one of the most influential - and profitable - ever.
But Desi the musician is our subject today, and even after his marriage to Lucy he continued to pursue that facet of his career. Although his musical progress was interrupted by his service in World War II, he continued in the post-war years to perform and record a number of Latin tunes, and was an important contributor to the continuing success of Latin music.
His best-known is probably "Babalu," which was also the theme song of the fictional bandleader Ricky Ricardo, and Desi's energetic drum-work and singing are certainly on display with that tune. But Latin jazz lovers might prefer "El Cumbanchero," because it was on this song that Desi felt he'd achieved his goal — to merge the energetic rhythm style of Latin percussionist Machito with the softer, melodic approach of bandleaders such as Andre Kostelanetz.
Of course, Desi eventually focused on TV, movies, and the couple's production company, Desilu, but he always loved his music. As the years passed, he and Lucy grew apart and split in 1960, but until his death in 1986 they remained close, and it's said that they talked on the phone every day. Their names will always be attached to each other and to their historic TV show, but Desi should also be remembered as an influential Latin musician.
Before Desi Arnaz was known as Lucy's Babalu king of "I Love Lucy" he was a musical talent all his own.
By the late 1930's, Latin music had been a part of jazz for years, with bandleaders such as Xavier Cugat and others enjoying a lot of success based on America's fascination with the intoxicating music. And it was Cugat himself - who was Spanish but always had an eye for any Latin talent - who discovered a young Cuban musician named Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III.
Desi Arnaz could play the conga and the guitar, and he could sing with a lot of enthusiasm. It didn't take long for the teenager to become a popular soloist in Cugat's band, but in less than a year he split from his mentor and formed his own group. It must have seemed like a gutsy move for someone so young, but the gamble paid off as his star began to rise in the New York club scene. Audiences loved his lively, energetic musical style, and his popularity soon led to a part in a Broadway musical.
It was about then that his life took a significant turn, because that musical, Too Many Girls, was turned into a movie in 1940, and his co-star was an actress named Lucille Ball. They became a couple, and over 20 years of marriage became not only TV superstars, but also the founders of a production company that was one of the most influential - and profitable - ever.
But Desi the musician is our subject today, and even after his marriage to Lucy he continued to pursue that facet of his career. Although his musical progress was interrupted by his service in World War II, he continued in the post-war years to perform and record a number of Latin tunes, and was an important contributor to the continuing success of Latin music.
His best-known is probably "Babalu," which was also the theme song of the fictional bandleader Ricky Ricardo, and Desi's energetic drum-work and singing are certainly on display with that tune. But Latin jazz lovers might prefer "El Cumbanchero," because it was on this song that Desi felt he'd achieved his goal — to merge the energetic rhythm style of Latin percussionist Machito with the softer, melodic approach of bandleaders such as Andre Kostelanetz.
Of course, Desi eventually focused on TV, movies, and the couple's production company, Desilu, but he always loved his music. As the years passed, he and Lucy grew apart and split in 1960, but until his death in 1986 they remained close, and it's said that they talked on the phone every day. Their names will always be attached to each other and to their historic TV show, but Desi should also be remembered as an influential Latin musician.
September 02, 2007
Lucie Arnaz to Perform at Buffalo Philharmonic
The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra will be featuring conductor Marvin Hamlisch with comedian Robert Klein and Lucie Arnaz for a very special reunion of musical moments from the Broadway hit, They’re Playing Our Song on April 19, 2008.
Marvin Hamlisch has won virtually every major award that exists: three Oscars, four Grammys, four Emmys, a Tony and three Golden Globe awards; his groundbreaking show, A Chorus Line, received the Pulitzer Prize.
Robert Klein has been a regular guest on “The Tonight Show” for over twenty years, and has guest-hosted the show on numerous occasions. He also appears regularly on “Late Show with David Letterman” and “Late Night with Conan O’Brien.”
Growing up in the public eye with parents Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and brother Desi Arnaz, IV, Lucie Arnaz has cemented her own footprints in history as an actress, singer, dancer, business executive, producer, director, and Broadway star. Despite all her movie credits, Lucie's real passion lies in live theatre. Lucie's amazing talent shines through when it comes to Broadway and the theatre.
For more information and to order tickets visit the Buffalo Philharmonic website.
Marvin Hamlisch has won virtually every major award that exists: three Oscars, four Grammys, four Emmys, a Tony and three Golden Globe awards; his groundbreaking show, A Chorus Line, received the Pulitzer Prize.
Robert Klein has been a regular guest on “The Tonight Show” for over twenty years, and has guest-hosted the show on numerous occasions. He also appears regularly on “Late Show with David Letterman” and “Late Night with Conan O’Brien.”
Growing up in the public eye with parents Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and brother Desi Arnaz, IV, Lucie Arnaz has cemented her own footprints in history as an actress, singer, dancer, business executive, producer, director, and Broadway star. Despite all her movie credits, Lucie's real passion lies in live theatre. Lucie's amazing talent shines through when it comes to Broadway and the theatre.
For more information and to order tickets visit the Buffalo Philharmonic website.
August 30, 2007
I Love Lucy: The Movie
Lucille Ball and I Love Lucy together in one movie. When I Love Lucy began in 1951 and continued for the next 6 years followed by its' hour-long version, The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show, who knew that a movie was produced from the popular hit series.
Paramount is including the forgotten film as a bonus disc with the I Love Lucy: The Complete Series Boxset, being released on October 23rd.
Currently the movie is not being sold separately and it's unknown whether it will eventually be sold as a separate DVD.
Lucille Ball and I Love Lucy together in one movie. When I Love Lucy began in 1951 and continued for the next 6 years followed by its' hour-long version, The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show, who knew that a movie was produced from the popular hit series.
Paramount is including the forgotten film as a bonus disc with the I Love Lucy: The Complete Series Boxset, being released on October 23rd.
Currently the movie is not being sold separately and it's unknown whether it will eventually be sold as a separate DVD.
August 22, 2007
Nickelodean Steals Scene from I Love Lucy?
The scene below from the show "Drake and Josh" on Nickelodean is taken directly from the comic "I Love Lucy" episode, "Job Switching" where Lucy and Ethel try their hand at packing candies in a factory. The difference then and now is that Drake and Josh are packing sushi. I'd say they have a long, long way before they match the likes of Lucy and Vivian in their classic scene.
August 15, 2007
August TV Schedule for Lucille Ball Movies
For the remainder of the month, there are some upcoming movies on Lucille Ball on Tuner Classic Movies.
Without Love - Sat Aug 18 04:15P
Directed by Harold S Bucquet. Starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Lucille Ball, Keenan Wynn, Patricia Morison, Gloria Grahame, Carl Esmond, Felix Bressart, George Davis, George Chandler. A career-minded couple try a platonic marriage for business reasons. From Philip Barry's play. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1945, (CC), BW
Stage Door - Wed Aug 22 08:00A
Directed by Gregory LaCava. Starring Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Adolphe Menjou, Andrea Leeds, Eve Arden, Ann Miller, Lucille Ball, Gail Patrick, Constance Collier, Samuel S Hinds. Depiction of life in the theater centering on young actresses in a rooming house. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1937, (CC), BW, DVS
Room Service - Wed Aug 22 11:30AM
Directed by William A Seiter. Starring Groucho Marx, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Lucille Ball, Ann Miller, Frank Albertson, Clifford Dunstan, Donald MacBride, Philip Loeb, Charles Halton. Penniless producers try to avoid hotel eviction. 90 minutes- NR, USA, 1938, (CC), BW
Too Many Girls - Wed Aug 22 01:00P
Directed by George Abbott. Starring Lucille Ball, Eddie Bracken, Richard Carlson, Desi Arnaz, Ann Miller, Frances Langford, Hal LeRoy, Iron Eyes Cody, Jay Silverheels, Van Johnson. Rodgers and Hart's tuneful stage hit about college life. 90 minutes- NR, USA, 1940, (CC), BW
Top Hat - Sun Sep 2 12:00P
Directed by Mark Sandrich. Starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton, Helen Broderick, Erik Rhodes, Eric Blore, Lucille Ball, Donald Meek, Leonard Mudie, Florence Roberts. A stage star pursues a woman from London to Venice. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1935, (CC), BW, DVS
Be sure to check all your listings at TV Now!
Without Love - Sat Aug 18 04:15P
Directed by Harold S Bucquet. Starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Lucille Ball, Keenan Wynn, Patricia Morison, Gloria Grahame, Carl Esmond, Felix Bressart, George Davis, George Chandler. A career-minded couple try a platonic marriage for business reasons. From Philip Barry's play. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1945, (CC), BW
Stage Door - Wed Aug 22 08:00A
Directed by Gregory LaCava. Starring Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Adolphe Menjou, Andrea Leeds, Eve Arden, Ann Miller, Lucille Ball, Gail Patrick, Constance Collier, Samuel S Hinds. Depiction of life in the theater centering on young actresses in a rooming house. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1937, (CC), BW, DVS
Room Service - Wed Aug 22 11:30AM
Directed by William A Seiter. Starring Groucho Marx, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Lucille Ball, Ann Miller, Frank Albertson, Clifford Dunstan, Donald MacBride, Philip Loeb, Charles Halton. Penniless producers try to avoid hotel eviction. 90 minutes- NR, USA, 1938, (CC), BW
Too Many Girls - Wed Aug 22 01:00P
Directed by George Abbott. Starring Lucille Ball, Eddie Bracken, Richard Carlson, Desi Arnaz, Ann Miller, Frances Langford, Hal LeRoy, Iron Eyes Cody, Jay Silverheels, Van Johnson. Rodgers and Hart's tuneful stage hit about college life. 90 minutes- NR, USA, 1940, (CC), BW
Top Hat - Sun Sep 2 12:00P
Directed by Mark Sandrich. Starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton, Helen Broderick, Erik Rhodes, Eric Blore, Lucille Ball, Donald Meek, Leonard Mudie, Florence Roberts. A stage star pursues a woman from London to Venice. 120 minutes- NR, USA, 1935, (CC), BW, DVS
Be sure to check all your listings at TV Now!
August 14, 2007
I Love Lucy - Special Box Set Extras
As all Lucy fans know and as reported here, the I Love Lucy Complete Series Box Set (DVD) will be released by CBS/Paramount October 23rd. They have some additional details that have not yet been released to the public. Click on the image above to view the back of the DVD Set.
The I Love Lucy Complete Series contains all 9 seasons (including The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour) with 194 episodes! There will be all new features that will be included in this Box Set that weren't apart of the individual DVD Series releases.
The all-new special features include the I Love Lucy: The Movie (1953), The First Colorized I Love Lucy episode ("Lucy Goes to Scotland"), I Love Lucy at the 6th Annual Emmy Awards (1954), Highlights of Lucy and Desi's First Joint TV Appearance (1949), and the lost pilot & all 35 first season episodes digitally restored! These extras are all in addition to the extras released in each individual season.
Stay tuned for more information as it's released!
August 13, 2007
Court TV Wants Feuding Neighbors in Your Neighborhood
Court TV is in pre-production on a fascinating new series, Neighbors 911, which will profile real life feuding neighbors. A team of casting directors has set its sights on the New York tri-state area for their initial search for real life neighbors willing to air their beefs about each other on national television.
Since New York and disputes between neighbors are I Love Lucy territory, the producers of Neighbors 911 are reaching out specifically to Lucy fans and offering incentives to anyone who can deliver a real life feud between neighbors that seems similar in any respect to one of the classic disputes between the Ricardo’s and the Mertz’s. Any dispute will be considered! The casting team is looking for feuding neighbors in New York suburban areas rather than east side apartments and they will pay a $200 finder’s fee for any story that gets submitted that is used on the show. In addition, each party to the actual dispute will receive $1,500 if selected to appear on the show, with the potential of receiving an additional $3,000 in damages if the Neighbors 911 mediator and host rules in their favor.
E-mail Your Story to: or Call 212-645-1500, ext. 110 and leave a message. Tell them you heard about it here on "Everything Lucy Blog"
August 09, 2007
Interview with Amy Arnaz, Author of The Magic Tutu
Make Mine Pink did an interview with Army Arnaz as part of their "Interviews with Women Entrepreneur" series. Amy, wife of Desi Arnaz, Jr. is the executive director of the Boulder City Ballet Company where she also teaches Ballet and Folk Dancing. She is also author of her new book, The Magic Tutu.
I previously reported about Amy's venture on this blog in July.
All proceeds from Amy's new book The Magic Tutu go directly to help fund their non-profit ballet company.
All of the children's books I have written -- Little Haley Stories -- come from real life experiences. I see Haley go through something traumatic, or fun, or interesting and then I weave her experience into one of my stories. I have a lot of material written, but not all of it has been published yet.
Be sure to checkout the interview on Make Mine Pink!
August 07, 2007
Lucy-Desi Center Auctions Off Lucille Ball Memorabilia
As reported in The Post-Journal, If it had a connection to Lucille Ball, it was up for bid Saturday at the Reg Lenna Civic Center.
Everything from old cigarette ads to movie posters to a reel of Lucy's 1939 film, "Beauty For The Asking," was included in the annual Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Memorabilia Auction.
In addition to the vintage memorabilia, the auction featured contemporary pieces from artists based in New Jersey, Buffalo and Jamestown.
Bidding started as low as $1 for an I Love Lucy postcard, and ranged all the way to $800 for a rare Lucy rag doll.
Doors to the civic center opened at 12:45 p.m. for a viewing period, during which potential bidders could inspect the quality and condition of the items, with the auction scheduled to begin shortly after 1:30 p.m.
The auction was part of the festivities for Lucy's Birthday Celebration, which was organized by the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown. The celebration began Friday and continues through Sunday.
Chuck Ludwig of Ludwig Auction Services, said he likes organizing the event because it draws so many people to the city. Ludwig puts on the auction at no cost to the center. "I've enjoyed doing these auctions, because about 98 percent of the people are from out of town," he said.
Jamestown has become a mecca for fans of the beloved redhead. Many of the people who attended the auction came clad in Lucy T-shirts; some held Lucy purses.
Sue Cushman of Salem, Ohio said she was a die-hard Lucy fan, and enjoyed the celebration. "We plan on coming back again because we had a great time," she said.
Sue and her husband, Jeff, planned to bid on some of the vintage movie posters and magazines.
Matthew Noith and Ashley Englend of Bangor, Maine said that they planned to bid on a red leather photo album with pictures from the television show and Lucy's signature.
Ludwig expected the vintage movie posters to fetch the biggest price at the auction.
"Last year, we had a painted storage trunk go for about $1,000, but this year I think it will be the movie posters," he said.
The auction featured 100 lots, and was expected to begin shortly after 1:30 p.m. and go on for about two hours.
Everything from old cigarette ads to movie posters to a reel of Lucy's 1939 film, "Beauty For The Asking," was included in the annual Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Memorabilia Auction.
In addition to the vintage memorabilia, the auction featured contemporary pieces from artists based in New Jersey, Buffalo and Jamestown.
Bidding started as low as $1 for an I Love Lucy postcard, and ranged all the way to $800 for a rare Lucy rag doll.
Doors to the civic center opened at 12:45 p.m. for a viewing period, during which potential bidders could inspect the quality and condition of the items, with the auction scheduled to begin shortly after 1:30 p.m.
The auction was part of the festivities for Lucy's Birthday Celebration, which was organized by the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown. The celebration began Friday and continues through Sunday.
Chuck Ludwig of Ludwig Auction Services, said he likes organizing the event because it draws so many people to the city. Ludwig puts on the auction at no cost to the center. "I've enjoyed doing these auctions, because about 98 percent of the people are from out of town," he said.
Jamestown has become a mecca for fans of the beloved redhead. Many of the people who attended the auction came clad in Lucy T-shirts; some held Lucy purses.
Sue Cushman of Salem, Ohio said she was a die-hard Lucy fan, and enjoyed the celebration. "We plan on coming back again because we had a great time," she said.
Sue and her husband, Jeff, planned to bid on some of the vintage movie posters and magazines.
Matthew Noith and Ashley Englend of Bangor, Maine said that they planned to bid on a red leather photo album with pictures from the television show and Lucy's signature.
Ludwig expected the vintage movie posters to fetch the biggest price at the auction.
"Last year, we had a painted storage trunk go for about $1,000, but this year I think it will be the movie posters," he said.
The auction featured 100 lots, and was expected to begin shortly after 1:30 p.m. and go on for about two hours.
August 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Today is Lucille Ball's Birthday, born August 6, 1911. She would have been 96 years old today. This picture is from the time when Lucy was known as "Queen of the Bs" during her motion picture days and was used as a promo by the film studios.
Happy Birthday Lucy - we STILL love you.
August 04, 2007
Senator Cathy Young (R,I,C-Olean) Makes Lucy-Desi Announcement
The crowd was gathered on the plaza of Jamestown, New York’s City Hall for music, birthday cake, and an exciting announcement -- and New York State Senator Cathy Young delivered the news!
During the opening ceremonies for Lucille Ball’s Birthday Celebration, Senator Young announced that New York State is awarding $100,000 to the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center for its future development. Executive Director Ric Wyman followed up with the news that the Center will be using this grant to purchase a property in downtown Jamestown that will be the expanded and relocated home of the Lucy-Desi Museum.
“When visitors come to Jamestown next year,” Wyman said, “they will enjoy a brand-new experience in the hometown of the Queen of Comedy!”
Wyman revealed that the location of the new Lucy-Desi Museum will be 10 W. 3rd Street, in a building adjacent to the Desilu Playhouse, the “I Love Lucy” museum. He noted that the original museum on Pine Street, while a wonderful presentation, does not have the capacity to comfortably accommodate the increasing number of visitors.
A major new attraction for visitors will be the exhibit of Lucy’s 1972 gold Mercedes-Benz. The expanded offerings will also feature never-before-displayed items from Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s wardrobe, costumes, and personal memorabilia.
During the opening ceremonies for Lucille Ball’s Birthday Celebration, Senator Young announced that New York State is awarding $100,000 to the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center for its future development. Executive Director Ric Wyman followed up with the news that the Center will be using this grant to purchase a property in downtown Jamestown that will be the expanded and relocated home of the Lucy-Desi Museum.
“When visitors come to Jamestown next year,” Wyman said, “they will enjoy a brand-new experience in the hometown of the Queen of Comedy!”
Wyman revealed that the location of the new Lucy-Desi Museum will be 10 W. 3rd Street, in a building adjacent to the Desilu Playhouse, the “I Love Lucy” museum. He noted that the original museum on Pine Street, while a wonderful presentation, does not have the capacity to comfortably accommodate the increasing number of visitors.
A major new attraction for visitors will be the exhibit of Lucy’s 1972 gold Mercedes-Benz. The expanded offerings will also feature never-before-displayed items from Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s wardrobe, costumes, and personal memorabilia.
August 03, 2007
Lucy's Birthday Celebration Weekend
Two festival favorites will be part of Lucille Ball’s Birthday Celebration, August 3-5 in Jamestown, New York, Lucille Ball’s hometown.
Fans love to demonstrate their knowledge of the 179 “I Love Lucy” episodes, so no festival would be complete without a Trivia Contest. Host John Schillner says the Saturday morning event will have a new and fun twist. “All the questions will be related to images that will be on the big screen in the Reg Lenna Civic Center,” Schillner revealed. “Since these are ‘behind the scenes’ pictures from the show, it will be a lot of fun!”
Prizes worth more than $500 are provided by Vandor, the giftware company whose “I Love Lucy” products include cookie jars, salt and pepper shakers, kitchenware, stationery products, purses, collectible tins, holiday ornaments, and more.
First-time festival visitors will want to be sure to be on one of the Lucytown Tours that depart from in front of the Lucy-Desi Museum on Pine Street at 10 am, 1 and 4 pm each day. Popular guide Lucy Studd will point out more than two dozen locations in Jamestown and neighboring Celoron that were significant in the early life of The Queen of Comedy. A special video, made possible through the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, will give passengers a look back to Lucy’s time. The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is providing samples for all, plus a door prize for every tour.
As a different celebrity Mystery Guest will be part of each trip, riders could find themselves traveling with Lucy’s personal secretary or driver, the author of the newest “Lucy” book, an actor from “I Love Lucy”, a famous costume designer, or even Jerry Maren, an original munchkin from The Wizard of Oz! The tours conclude with a stop at Lake View Cemetery, where Lucille Ball is buried with her family.
Of the more than 30 events planned for Lucy’s Birthday Celebration weekend, the highlight will be Jerry Maren, the munchkin who handed the giant lollipop to Dorothy after her house was whisked away by a tornado and landed somewhere “over the rainbow” in The Wizard of Oz. The 1939 film is number six on the American Film Institute’s list of America’s 100 greatest movies.
The Junior Guilders of the Lucille Ball Little Theatre of Jamestown are preparing a very special opening for “I Remember Lucy: An Evening with Jerry Maren” at 8 pm on Saturday, August 4, in the Reg Lenna Civic Center in Lucille Ball’s hometown.
Directed by Helen Merrill, this troupe of young singers and dancers has performed at the White House, the Kennedy Center, Universal Studios Florida, Disney World, the Mel Tillis Stage in Branson, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, outside London, England, and at the Palace of Versailles near Paris. Mrs. Merrill reported that her more than 30 performers are “extremely excited to be part of Lucy’s Birthday Celebration and to be performing at the Reg!” In addition to selections from The Wizard of Oz, the Guilders will perform “Jamestown, New York”, written by Jamestown’s 10,000 Maniacs. This song, with The Guilders’ own unique “Lucy” words -- “birthplace of the world’s greatest comic star” – is a part of all their performances.
Featured guest Jerry Maren has been in 39 movies and numerous television shows, including the Our Gang series, Battle for the Planet of The Apes, Seinfeld, Bewitched, The Gong Show, and Lucille Ball’s third weekly television series, Here’s Lucy. The diminutive actor also appeared as Buster Brown, Little Oscar (Mayer), Mayor McCheese, and the Hamburglar. The Marx Brothers, Andy Williams and Buddy Ebsen are among the many stars with whom he has worked.
“An Evening with Jerry Maren” will include video clips of some of his appearances, and Maren will share memories of his varied experiences when he’s interviewed by popular Jamestown radio personality Jim Roselle. More than $500 in door prizes will be given away, courtesy of Mattel.
Tickets are still available for the limited admission reception sponsored by Elegant Edibles that will follow the theatre event.
Lucille Ball’s Birthday Celebration is continuing an exciting tradition in her hometown this year! Original artwork on exhibit through August 1 at Thomas Mason Fine Arts, 318 N. Main Street in downtown Jamestown, New York, will be put up for bid in the Lucy-Desi Memorabilia Auction on Saturday, August 4.
Now in its eighth year, “Visions of Lucy” was the brainstorm of Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center Board President Lucie Arnaz and Executive Director Ric Wyman. This year’s submissions are paintings and sculptures by artists Brigitte Baldwin of Corning, New York; David Ciampichini of Summit, New Jersey; Fred Griese of Buffalo; and Susan Wolfe of Clymer, New York. All can be seen and -- for those who cannot be at the auction -- bid on at
In addition to the artwork, the auction will offer over 100 vintage Lucy-Desi memorabilia items, plus special one-of-a-kind collectibles, including Vivian Vance memorabilia. The auction is sponsored and conducted by Ludwig Auction & Realty Co. and will be held at the Reg Lenna Civic Center, 116 E. Third Street in downtown Jamestown. The preview for ticket holders opens at 12:30 pm, with the bidding beginning at 1:37 pm.
Another opportunity for both collectors and just the curious throughout the August 3-5 weekend is the Lucy-Desi Memorabilia Collectors’ Show. Hours for the show at 217 N. Main Street are 10 am-4 pm Friday, 9 am-5 pm Saturday, and 10 am-4 pm Sunday. Among the vintage and out-of-production offerings will be movie posters, collector plates, dolls, comic books, magazines, and more. Admission to the Collectors’ Show is free.
The Lucy-Desi Photo Op at the Collectors’ Show will allow visitors to have their photograph taken professionally on Friday, 1-3 pm; Saturday, 11 am-3 pm; and Sunday, noon-4 pm. A different Lucy-Desi backdrop will be featured each day.
Ms. Mitchell will welcome passengers aboard the beautiful Summer Wind for a cruise on Chautauqua Lake, the same lake Lucy Ricardo talked about on “I Love Lucy”. The actress is coming from California to share personal memories, take questions from passengers, and relate some behind-the-scenes stories about the world’s most popular redhead.
Shirley Mitchell appeared on numerous classic TV series including Dragnet, Perry Mason, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, Three’s Company, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and even lent her voice for the Scooby Doo cartoon series. Her film credits include Desk Set, Big Business, and The War of the Roses. But “I Love Lucy” fans know her best as Marion Strong, the cackling friend of Lucy Ricardo. Her character was named for The Queen of Comedy’s real life Jamestown friend, Marion Strong VanVlack.
Born in Toledo, Ohio, Shirley Mitchell made four appearances on Lucille Ball’s popular radio program My Favorite Husband before taking on the role of Marion Strong in “I Love Lucy”. She appeared in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (Episode #69), “Lucy’s Club Dance” (Episode #91), and “Lucy Tells the Truth” (Episode #72), in which her unforgettable laugh prompted Lucy to say, “Stop cackling, Marion, I've been waiting ten years for you to lay that egg!”
Lucy’s Birthday Party Boat Cruise will depart from Lucille Ball Memorial Park in the village of Celoron at 3:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, August 5. Admission is limited for this event, one of more than 30 planned for the weekend.
Lucy’s Birthday Celebration in Jamestown, New York, will feature the world debut of the newest book about Lucille Ball.
While Lucy at the Movies’ official publication date isn’t until later this fall, the Lucy-Desi Center has made special arrangements to have copies of it available for visitors to the August 3-5 festival!
Author Cindy De La Hoz will be coming from her home in Philadelphia to Lucy’s hometown to autograph and talk about her first book.
At 8 pm Friday evening, August 3, Ms. De La Hoz will host “Lucy at the Movies: A Tribute to Lucille Ball’s Film Career” at the Reg Lenna Civic Center in downtown Jamestown. Sponsored by Garden of Eden, this event will salute the Queen of Comedy through a collection of film clips that span more than 40 years. A Lucille Ball fan since the age of nine, Ms. De La Hoz will share fun trivia and behind-the-scenes facts between classic film clips of the Queen of Comedy’s big screen work. A book signing will follow the event.
Known primarily for her television work, Lucille Ball was also in 79 movies over the course of her extensive career. Most of these films were known as “B movies” in the 1930s and 1940s. The 368-page hardcover Lucy at the Movies features hundreds of photos of The Queen of the B’s”.
Lucie Arnaz acknowledged Ms. De La Hoz’s accomplishment with the observation, “This was an enormous undertaking. But it’s clear that it was also a labor of love. I know my mother would be very impressed and flattered by your dedication to her film work and chronicling her career in general.”
Cindy De La Hoz will speak with visitors and autograph her book throughout the weekend in the gift shop of the Desilu Playhouse, the museum that celebrates the “I Love Lucy” television show at 2 West Third Street in downtown Jamestown.
All of the Schedule of Events for this August’s “Lucy’s Birthday Celebration” festival are now online.
For more information or to order tickets for Festival events, call (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or visit online at The Lucy-Desi Museum at 212 Pine Street, Lucy-Desi Gift Shop at 300 N. Main, and Desilu Playhouse at 2 W. 3rd – all in downtown Jamestown -- are open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sundays.
Fans love to demonstrate their knowledge of the 179 “I Love Lucy” episodes, so no festival would be complete without a Trivia Contest. Host John Schillner says the Saturday morning event will have a new and fun twist. “All the questions will be related to images that will be on the big screen in the Reg Lenna Civic Center,” Schillner revealed. “Since these are ‘behind the scenes’ pictures from the show, it will be a lot of fun!”
Prizes worth more than $500 are provided by Vandor, the giftware company whose “I Love Lucy” products include cookie jars, salt and pepper shakers, kitchenware, stationery products, purses, collectible tins, holiday ornaments, and more.
First-time festival visitors will want to be sure to be on one of the Lucytown Tours that depart from in front of the Lucy-Desi Museum on Pine Street at 10 am, 1 and 4 pm each day. Popular guide Lucy Studd will point out more than two dozen locations in Jamestown and neighboring Celoron that were significant in the early life of The Queen of Comedy. A special video, made possible through the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, will give passengers a look back to Lucy’s time. The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is providing samples for all, plus a door prize for every tour.
As a different celebrity Mystery Guest will be part of each trip, riders could find themselves traveling with Lucy’s personal secretary or driver, the author of the newest “Lucy” book, an actor from “I Love Lucy”, a famous costume designer, or even Jerry Maren, an original munchkin from The Wizard of Oz! The tours conclude with a stop at Lake View Cemetery, where Lucille Ball is buried with her family.
Of the more than 30 events planned for Lucy’s Birthday Celebration weekend, the highlight will be Jerry Maren, the munchkin who handed the giant lollipop to Dorothy after her house was whisked away by a tornado and landed somewhere “over the rainbow” in The Wizard of Oz. The 1939 film is number six on the American Film Institute’s list of America’s 100 greatest movies.
The Junior Guilders of the Lucille Ball Little Theatre of Jamestown are preparing a very special opening for “I Remember Lucy: An Evening with Jerry Maren” at 8 pm on Saturday, August 4, in the Reg Lenna Civic Center in Lucille Ball’s hometown.
Directed by Helen Merrill, this troupe of young singers and dancers has performed at the White House, the Kennedy Center, Universal Studios Florida, Disney World, the Mel Tillis Stage in Branson, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, outside London, England, and at the Palace of Versailles near Paris. Mrs. Merrill reported that her more than 30 performers are “extremely excited to be part of Lucy’s Birthday Celebration and to be performing at the Reg!” In addition to selections from The Wizard of Oz, the Guilders will perform “Jamestown, New York”, written by Jamestown’s 10,000 Maniacs. This song, with The Guilders’ own unique “Lucy” words -- “birthplace of the world’s greatest comic star” – is a part of all their performances.
Featured guest Jerry Maren has been in 39 movies and numerous television shows, including the Our Gang series, Battle for the Planet of The Apes, Seinfeld, Bewitched, The Gong Show, and Lucille Ball’s third weekly television series, Here’s Lucy. The diminutive actor also appeared as Buster Brown, Little Oscar (Mayer), Mayor McCheese, and the Hamburglar. The Marx Brothers, Andy Williams and Buddy Ebsen are among the many stars with whom he has worked.
“An Evening with Jerry Maren” will include video clips of some of his appearances, and Maren will share memories of his varied experiences when he’s interviewed by popular Jamestown radio personality Jim Roselle. More than $500 in door prizes will be given away, courtesy of Mattel.
Tickets are still available for the limited admission reception sponsored by Elegant Edibles that will follow the theatre event.
Lucille Ball’s Birthday Celebration is continuing an exciting tradition in her hometown this year! Original artwork on exhibit through August 1 at Thomas Mason Fine Arts, 318 N. Main Street in downtown Jamestown, New York, will be put up for bid in the Lucy-Desi Memorabilia Auction on Saturday, August 4.
Now in its eighth year, “Visions of Lucy” was the brainstorm of Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center Board President Lucie Arnaz and Executive Director Ric Wyman. This year’s submissions are paintings and sculptures by artists Brigitte Baldwin of Corning, New York; David Ciampichini of Summit, New Jersey; Fred Griese of Buffalo; and Susan Wolfe of Clymer, New York. All can be seen and -- for those who cannot be at the auction -- bid on at
In addition to the artwork, the auction will offer over 100 vintage Lucy-Desi memorabilia items, plus special one-of-a-kind collectibles, including Vivian Vance memorabilia. The auction is sponsored and conducted by Ludwig Auction & Realty Co. and will be held at the Reg Lenna Civic Center, 116 E. Third Street in downtown Jamestown. The preview for ticket holders opens at 12:30 pm, with the bidding beginning at 1:37 pm.
Another opportunity for both collectors and just the curious throughout the August 3-5 weekend is the Lucy-Desi Memorabilia Collectors’ Show. Hours for the show at 217 N. Main Street are 10 am-4 pm Friday, 9 am-5 pm Saturday, and 10 am-4 pm Sunday. Among the vintage and out-of-production offerings will be movie posters, collector plates, dolls, comic books, magazines, and more. Admission to the Collectors’ Show is free.
The Lucy-Desi Photo Op at the Collectors’ Show will allow visitors to have their photograph taken professionally on Friday, 1-3 pm; Saturday, 11 am-3 pm; and Sunday, noon-4 pm. A different Lucy-Desi backdrop will be featured each day.
Ms. Mitchell will welcome passengers aboard the beautiful Summer Wind for a cruise on Chautauqua Lake, the same lake Lucy Ricardo talked about on “I Love Lucy”. The actress is coming from California to share personal memories, take questions from passengers, and relate some behind-the-scenes stories about the world’s most popular redhead.
Shirley Mitchell appeared on numerous classic TV series including Dragnet, Perry Mason, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, Three’s Company, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and even lent her voice for the Scooby Doo cartoon series. Her film credits include Desk Set, Big Business, and The War of the Roses. But “I Love Lucy” fans know her best as Marion Strong, the cackling friend of Lucy Ricardo. Her character was named for The Queen of Comedy’s real life Jamestown friend, Marion Strong VanVlack.
Born in Toledo, Ohio, Shirley Mitchell made four appearances on Lucille Ball’s popular radio program My Favorite Husband before taking on the role of Marion Strong in “I Love Lucy”. She appeared in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (Episode #69), “Lucy’s Club Dance” (Episode #91), and “Lucy Tells the Truth” (Episode #72), in which her unforgettable laugh prompted Lucy to say, “Stop cackling, Marion, I've been waiting ten years for you to lay that egg!”
Lucy’s Birthday Party Boat Cruise will depart from Lucille Ball Memorial Park in the village of Celoron at 3:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, August 5. Admission is limited for this event, one of more than 30 planned for the weekend.
Lucy’s Birthday Celebration in Jamestown, New York, will feature the world debut of the newest book about Lucille Ball.
While Lucy at the Movies’ official publication date isn’t until later this fall, the Lucy-Desi Center has made special arrangements to have copies of it available for visitors to the August 3-5 festival!
Author Cindy De La Hoz will be coming from her home in Philadelphia to Lucy’s hometown to autograph and talk about her first book.
At 8 pm Friday evening, August 3, Ms. De La Hoz will host “Lucy at the Movies: A Tribute to Lucille Ball’s Film Career” at the Reg Lenna Civic Center in downtown Jamestown. Sponsored by Garden of Eden, this event will salute the Queen of Comedy through a collection of film clips that span more than 40 years. A Lucille Ball fan since the age of nine, Ms. De La Hoz will share fun trivia and behind-the-scenes facts between classic film clips of the Queen of Comedy’s big screen work. A book signing will follow the event.
Known primarily for her television work, Lucille Ball was also in 79 movies over the course of her extensive career. Most of these films were known as “B movies” in the 1930s and 1940s. The 368-page hardcover Lucy at the Movies features hundreds of photos of The Queen of the B’s”.
Lucie Arnaz acknowledged Ms. De La Hoz’s accomplishment with the observation, “This was an enormous undertaking. But it’s clear that it was also a labor of love. I know my mother would be very impressed and flattered by your dedication to her film work and chronicling her career in general.”
Cindy De La Hoz will speak with visitors and autograph her book throughout the weekend in the gift shop of the Desilu Playhouse, the museum that celebrates the “I Love Lucy” television show at 2 West Third Street in downtown Jamestown.
All of the Schedule of Events for this August’s “Lucy’s Birthday Celebration” festival are now online.
For more information or to order tickets for Festival events, call (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or visit online at The Lucy-Desi Museum at 212 Pine Street, Lucy-Desi Gift Shop at 300 N. Main, and Desilu Playhouse at 2 W. 3rd – all in downtown Jamestown -- are open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sundays.
Films and Live Improv Highlight Lucy's Birthday Celebration
In addition to hosting Friday night’s “Lucy at the Movies: A Tribute to Lucille Ball’s Film Career” during Lucy’s Birthday Celebration, author Cindy De La Hoz will also introduce Sunday morning’s Panama Lady. Both events will be in the Reg Lenna Civic Center, the former Palace Theatre where a young Lucy watched vaudeville and movies and was inspired to go into show business.
Ms. De La Hoz will be in Jamestown, New York, for the debut of Lucy at the Movies, a 368-page hardcover volume featuring hundreds of pictures from The Queen of Comedy’s more than 80 feature films. Since her book will not be officially released until fall, she will be signing the limited number that the publisher has made available for the weekend festival.
The Garden of Eden is sponsoring “Lucy at the Movies,” and Sunday’s 10:30 am event will begin with refreshments provided by The Donut Connection. Ms. De La Hoz will introduce the 1939 RKO-Radio Picture Panama Lady, which finds heroine Lucille Ball broke and stranded in Panama after being fired from her job as a chorus girl. If old-fashioned fun is your cup of tea, this film, featuring a rare and intriguing performance by Lucille Ball, is for you!
Other screening opportunities during the August 3-5 celebration in Lucille Ball’s hometown include The Lucy Show film fests on Friday and Saturday afternoons (3 pm and 4 pm respectively) in the Reg Lenna. Weather permitting, “Lucy Under the Stars” will offer free outdoor movies on the corner of Third and Pine Streets at 9:45 on Friday and Saturday nights. Popcorn and soda will be available.
For live comedy entertainment, you can’t beat The Unexpected Guests, Jamestown’s own comedy improv troupe. The Guests will give a “Lucy” flavor to their improvisational sketches at their 11 pm performance on Friday, August 3. Members of the troupe include Len Barry, Jane Fischer, Ian Thorsell, Kipp Reynolds, and Gary Peters, Jr. You can see them in the Tropicana Room of the Rapaport Center above the Desilu Playhouse at 2 W. 3rd Street in downtown Jamestown.
For additional information on these and the many other events during Lucy’s Birthday Celebration, call or visit the Lucy-Desi Museum Gift Shop, 300 North Main Street, Jamestown, NY 14701, (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or online at Hours for the Lucy-Desi Museum, Desilu Playhouse, and Lucy-Desi Center Gift Shop are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sundays.
Ms. De La Hoz will be in Jamestown, New York, for the debut of Lucy at the Movies, a 368-page hardcover volume featuring hundreds of pictures from The Queen of Comedy’s more than 80 feature films. Since her book will not be officially released until fall, she will be signing the limited number that the publisher has made available for the weekend festival.
The Garden of Eden is sponsoring “Lucy at the Movies,” and Sunday’s 10:30 am event will begin with refreshments provided by The Donut Connection. Ms. De La Hoz will introduce the 1939 RKO-Radio Picture Panama Lady, which finds heroine Lucille Ball broke and stranded in Panama after being fired from her job as a chorus girl. If old-fashioned fun is your cup of tea, this film, featuring a rare and intriguing performance by Lucille Ball, is for you!
Other screening opportunities during the August 3-5 celebration in Lucille Ball’s hometown include The Lucy Show film fests on Friday and Saturday afternoons (3 pm and 4 pm respectively) in the Reg Lenna. Weather permitting, “Lucy Under the Stars” will offer free outdoor movies on the corner of Third and Pine Streets at 9:45 on Friday and Saturday nights. Popcorn and soda will be available.
For live comedy entertainment, you can’t beat The Unexpected Guests, Jamestown’s own comedy improv troupe. The Guests will give a “Lucy” flavor to their improvisational sketches at their 11 pm performance on Friday, August 3. Members of the troupe include Len Barry, Jane Fischer, Ian Thorsell, Kipp Reynolds, and Gary Peters, Jr. You can see them in the Tropicana Room of the Rapaport Center above the Desilu Playhouse at 2 W. 3rd Street in downtown Jamestown.
For additional information on these and the many other events during Lucy’s Birthday Celebration, call or visit the Lucy-Desi Museum Gift Shop, 300 North Main Street, Jamestown, NY 14701, (716) 484-0800 (toll-free: 1-877-LUCY-FAN) or online at Hours for the Lucy-Desi Museum, Desilu Playhouse, and Lucy-Desi Center Gift Shop are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sundays.
Jamestown Loves Lucy
American Profile features a story about the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center.
As in this upcoming weekend, for the last 11 years Jamestown has welcomed thousands of fans from across the world to the Lucy-Desi Festival, celebrated every Memorial Day weekend, and Lucy’s Birthday Celebration, scheduled Aug. 3 to 5 this year to observe the 96th anniversary of her birth.
During both festivals, Lucy impersonators roam the streets and pose for photographs, and special guests such as Lucy’s longtime chauffeur, Frank Gorey, share memories of working with the queen of TV comedy. Writers and film editors of her various TV series discuss her work, and buses take visitors on tours of various Lucy-related sites, including the two-story home at 69 Stewart Ave. where she was born, and Lake View Cemetery, where the comedienne’s ashes are interred alongside her parents.
Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, 47, thinks Lucy’s enduring popularity has a simple explanation: “Lucy always put a smile on people’s faces,” he says.
As in this upcoming weekend, for the last 11 years Jamestown has welcomed thousands of fans from across the world to the Lucy-Desi Festival, celebrated every Memorial Day weekend, and Lucy’s Birthday Celebration, scheduled Aug. 3 to 5 this year to observe the 96th anniversary of her birth.
During both festivals, Lucy impersonators roam the streets and pose for photographs, and special guests such as Lucy’s longtime chauffeur, Frank Gorey, share memories of working with the queen of TV comedy. Writers and film editors of her various TV series discuss her work, and buses take visitors on tours of various Lucy-related sites, including the two-story home at 69 Stewart Ave. where she was born, and Lake View Cemetery, where the comedienne’s ashes are interred alongside her parents.
Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, 47, thinks Lucy’s enduring popularity has a simple explanation: “Lucy always put a smile on people’s faces,” he says.
Underdog Movie Inspiration Interview
Read the exclusive interview from Joe Harris on Movie Web.
Lucy Ricardo in Top Ten Television Characters
In listing “The Top Ten Television Characters of All Time”, Blogcritics Magazine notes of Lucy Ricardo, “It’s hard to think of television without paying homage to Lucille Ball. A woman with an unrivaled talent for physical comedy, Ball gave Lucy Ricardo a permanent place in pop culture. A housewife with big ambitions and an ability to get into trouble, Lucy Ricardo was the meat of I Love Lucy; just watching her once led us all to agree with the show’s title.”
Lucille Ball and the Secrets of Show-Business Success
Lucille Ball was not just comic genius—and she was a born comedian of the rarest sort—but also a shrewd, tireless worker whose approach to career building and maintenance seldom failed her. “I don’t know anything about luck,” she said. “I’ve never banked on it, and I’m afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: hard work and realizing what is opportunity and what isn’t.”
Lucy had to work hard. At the dawn of the television age, her star was setting in Hollywood. She had worked her way up from “Queen of the B’s,” as she was called, onto the A list by the end of the 1930s, but a decade later, even after fine turns in films such as Fancy Pants, was getting passed over even for parts that called for “a Lucille Ball type.”
She became a major star only on the small screen. Even then, I Love Lucy started off slowly. Its sponsor wanted to kill it after the pilot, and audiences took a while to warm up to the show. It survived only through doggedness, Machiavellian dealing, and sometimes brutal micromanagement on Ball’s part.
That and, of course, her ability to please a crowd. We love Lucy because she made sure we couldn’t overlook her. The proof is there, in black and white.
Underdog Cartoon Inspired from I Love Lucy
With the release of the movie, Underdog, based on the 1960 Cartoon of the same name, I thought it interesting to note that it's inspiration was from an episode of I Love Lucy.
Back in the early 1960s, Joe Harris (one of Underdog's original creators) worked at an ad agency. One of the agency's clients, General Mills, was trying to expand into sponsoring an animated children's TV show, a burgeoning field for the television industry. The idea for Underdog came after writer Chester "Chet" Stover saw an episode of I Love Lucy entitled "Lucy and Superman" in which Lucille Ball dressed as Superman and had a bumbling misadventure that left her stranded on a high ledge. The notion of a clumsy superhero stuck with Stover, and the next day he thought it was a great idea but the character should be a dog. From there he and Joe Harris created the cartoon character. They began working on the cartoon in 1963, and it first aired in 1964.
Underdog was actually Shoeshine Boy, a humble little pooch who transformed into a superheroic dog when trouble arose. He invariably did plenty of damage along the way. Almost a take-off from Superman's Clark Kent persona.
In the new film released today, Underdog is a beagle, but the creators originally avoided tying him down to any specific breed of dog. Jason Lee of "My Name is Earl" fame plays the voice of Underdog (which was orginally voiced by Wally Cox in the cartoon), Peter Dinklage plays Simon, with Patrick Warburton as his towering henchman Cad. Amy Adams (Junebug) provides the voice of Sweet Polly.
For more on this story, read Journal Now.
Underdog was actually Shoeshine Boy, a humble little pooch who transformed into a superheroic dog when trouble arose. He invariably did plenty of damage along the way. Almost a take-off from Superman's Clark Kent persona.
In the new film released today, Underdog is a beagle, but the creators originally avoided tying him down to any specific breed of dog. Jason Lee of "My Name is Earl" fame plays the voice of Underdog (which was orginally voiced by Wally Cox in the cartoon), Peter Dinklage plays Simon, with Patrick Warburton as his towering henchman Cad. Amy Adams (Junebug) provides the voice of Sweet Polly.
For more on this story, read Journal Now.
The Lucy Show Bloopers
Lucille Ball made her return to television in 1962 in The Lucy Show. It co-starred Gale Gordon who Lucy and Desi had originally wanted for I Love Lucy but he could not abandon his commitment to Our Miss Brooks. Lucy was divorced by this time and The Lucy Show was nowhere near the quality level of the original program. Fans didn't care much however, as the show received huge ratings. By the late sixties the program seemed out of place and corny. Most of the writing staff were still churning out scripts that seemed left over from 1940s radio (to be fair, most sitcoms from 1962 to 1968 were in the same boat). The shows were often peppered with impressive guest stars to hide this fact. The same material in somebody else's hands would have made it unbearable, but Lucy makes it worth watching.
Television producer Sheldon Leonard makes a cameo in the blooper reel. You'll also see Desi Jr. and Buddy Rich in bloopers from the next Ball sitcom, Here's Lucy.
-reposted from Classic Television Showbiz Blog.
Television producer Sheldon Leonard makes a cameo in the blooper reel. You'll also see Desi Jr. and Buddy Rich in bloopers from the next Ball sitcom, Here's Lucy.
-reposted from Classic Television Showbiz Blog.
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