February 12, 2010

Hallmark Adds Another I Love Lucy Marathon

As Hallmark just recently shown an I Love Lucy marathon at the beginning of this month, we are surprised and elated that they are adding another I Love Lucy marathon!

On President's Day, Monday, February 15th, Hallmark will air more I Love Lucy! It looks like the I Love Lucy marathon this past weekend (Feb. 6-7) did well. Will Hallmark consider adding the series back to its regular schedule?

For now, view the episode schedule on the Hallmark Channel for the President's Day Marathon of I Love Lucy!

1 comment:

  1. Been looking in on Hallmark today and noticed the marathon episodes are not in the listed order. Either that or I'm out of order. Nice that they running them again, enjoyed the episodes from the last marathon, but then I like the Connecticut episodes a lot.
