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September 13, 2008

Lucy-Desi Center Executive Director and Assistant Fired

As alot of Lucy Fans already know, a scandal had been brewing for quite some time at the Lucy-Desi Center. Last Fall even Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz, Jr. left along with others from the board of the Lucy-Desi Center. This alone sparked interest and alot of questions followed. I first reported their departure on this site last year.

Now, this past Friday Ric Wyman and Pat Brininger have been fired! Alot of speculation and rumors abound of the two who brought nothing but grief and misery to the center. During their reign, no laughter was at the Lucy-Desi Center. Through the mishandling of the center and the loss of major donors and support, enough voices were brought together that a separate site was setup to gather testimonials and support from other Lucy fans who also worked at the Center, the Save Lucy Desi Center website.

During this last year, the Center lost two very generous donors to the Center as well as true Lucy fans, Bill and Mary Rapaport. The number of people who voiced discontent were minor to the number of voices of outrage at how the site was managed. Last fall, even Lucie Arnaz tried to resolve the issues constraining the Center but it was met with resistance and deaf ears. As of this past July, even Melody Thomas Scott left leaving no Founding Board Members in place for the Lucy-Desi Center.

In a small town such as Jamestown, it only takes a few to bind together and cause mischief and mahem but in the end, it was Lucy and Desi that won out. But unfortunately it isn't over yet, one remaining supporter of the ousted duo, Patricia Smith is now serving as the interim director responsible for the day-to-day operations. But that is only a matter of time before everything catches up and she too will be gone. Karma is a funny thing.

Now hopefully, with this firing will come hope and joy and laughter once again to the Lucy-Desi Center.

For more information, visit Save Lucy Desi Center. Be sure to read the forums for the latest up-to-date news as well as the historical background of the misdeeds that ended the rein of Ric Wyman.

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