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July 03, 2007

Lucille Ball's Granddaughter Inspires Children's Book

When children’s dance studio owner and teacher Amy Arnaz was looking for inspiration for a book to teach values, she had to look no further than to her daughter, Haley. The result is The Magic Tutu, a gorgeously illustrated children's book about a young dancer who discovers the true meaning of kindness.

The wife of Desi Arnaz, Jr., Amy Arnaz tells the story of Haley, a young ballet dancer who grapples with jealousy, forgiveness and the gift of a magical tutu.

As Ms. Arnaz notes at the book’s web site, “The Magic Tutu was originally a ballet I wrote for the youngest members of our non-profit Boulder City Ballet Company (BCBC) in 2003. The little girls who danced in the ballet were ages 3-8 and they received ‘Bravos!’ from the audience after all three, sold-out performances.

“Magic Tutu fever spead thru our little town of Boulder City, Nevada. Everyone loved the story of the little blonde ballerina with brown eyes who had to wait until she was seven years old to open a present Grandma gave her when she was born. The ballet included enchanting children’s songs. Many families asked me to turn The Magic Tutu into a book so their children could experience the story again.....so I did!” Ms. Arnaz has also produced CDs of the music plus Magic Tutu dolls and t-shirts.

As one reviewer noted, “Children will adore the cheerful photos and the warm-hearted story, and parents will cherish the very special messages about honesty and strength of character. A story as classic as The Nutcracker, this book is sure to be a cherished edition to any home or school library.”

Amy Arnaz danced with the San Diego Ballet Company and the Nevada Dance Theater. She had her own dance studio in Boulder City, Nevada, for 27 years. The founder of the Boulder City Ballet Company for children, she is the recipient of many awards, including Outstanding Contribution to Culture and to the Youth of Boulder City award and the Spirit of Nevada Award. She lives in Boulder City, Nevada with her husband, Desi Arnaz, Jr., four cats and a dog.

All profits from The Magic Tutu book and merchandise sales go directly to the non-profit Boulder City Ballet Company, founded by Amy and Desi Arnaz in 1998 to provide a loving and magical environment where little girls could discover the enchanting world of ballet.

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