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March 01, 2007

One Younger Fan's View on Lucy

For one member of the younger generation, television's golden years hold their luster.
For most teenagers the names Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz mean nothing. They may faintly recognize the names, or they may even be able to place them with old television. For me, these names mean one thing: my stars.

Read more on his take on Lucille Ball and "I Love Lucy". It's interesting and great to know that the generation that didn't grow up with Lucy can still become loyal fans - long after her last appearance on TV and long after many of these kids were even born! It speaks to the fact that Lucille Ball is timeless and will go down in history as the greatest female TV comedian of all time!

1 comment:

  1. Actually I am 25 year old and have been a huge Lucy fan for as long as I remember. I am about the only person my age that I know that loves to the show. I use to watch the reruns on TV Land and other channels. Of course now I own many of the shows on dvd along with many dolls and etc. I have been collecting since Jr. High in 1997 I believe.
